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why on earth is there no mic-in on a iMac? and why is the built in mic on the top of the screen and not the front where people usually sit..
installing the Transmit 3 widget
trying to find one IE toolbar that is not crapware and let me edit CSS live.
pownce acquired by six apart. hmmm... never heard of their Vox app. Not sure if i'll follow.
yeah, i am using jaiku nowadays, but twitter is still here - so what.. hello again!
Okay ... InvisibleShield arrived. Still no matching iphone though. ;( Apple: build more units!!
New 2.0 installed in my Touch. Ordered the iphone 3G today. All good! Yay!
reading tech news. being bored because there arent any. whats wrong with you ppl. invent some cool new stuff already! :D
Ich will ne ordentliche VM unter Leopard.. VMware für Mac = letzer versuch
3 Stunden schlaf.. hurra.
Zend Mockup Examen bisher zwei mal bestanden. Trau mich aber trotzdem noch nicht.
endlich ne neue macbook batterie und frisch aufgesetztes OSX. Schön... iMac hat auch ein Upgrade bekommen und rennt nun mit 4GB :)
party is over .. time to get back to normal ;)
preparing some code to be implemented
just finished dinner with my family! Merry Christmas eveyone!
Trying to fix my macbook. Looks like the battery is damaged :(
playing with my ipod touch
husten, schnupfen, kopfweh und heiserkeit.. ROAR!!!!
havin my breakfast .. powered by 24/7 coffeeshop


Emily Chang Snook microformats Technorati Adaptive Path Michael Arrington Joel Moss Dustin Diaz Nate Abele Daniel Hofstetter Felix Geisendörfer Mark Guadalupe