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@billnordwall yay! snow in december! (stay outta april, snow.) and i'll probs be absent from chat tomorrow, too. i've got meetings up the A.
@bonotbeau yes,"landmark." as in, "hang a left at the eyesore."
Just discovered that December is COLD. Tomorrow, I will wear pants.
Olive 8 seriously got hit with the Ugly Stick. in Seattle, WA
@daveschappell hahaha! excellent. mission accomplished (however unintended). ;-)
About to eat the crap out of this quiche:
is making a to-do list and trying not to stress out (stupid December!)
At Moe Bar where other people are very drunk. Happy birthday, Nicole! in Seattle, WA
@billnordwall hahaha! dammit! thought i'd try (knew it wouldn't work). see you kids (and minneh) tomorrow! yay!
@billnordwall gaaaaah! so many things that are cute and wrong about that. nerd. um, out of purely innocent curiosity, what's her address?
@joeytrimmer i've only used Twitterific, but i've been pretty happy with it (possibly because i don't know any better).
@billnordwall no #hopsandchops for me tonight--i did the forgotten works thing with heather & co., then had disappointing creole food.
On my way to the Forgotten Works Challenge art show in Pioneer Sq. via bus tunnel. I love the bus tunnel!
@billnordwall but the friends' shared items break-down in the left nav is much nicer. (also, aloha! welcome home!)
Scoping the pretty-pretty Seattle sunset from my office window. in Seattle, WA
There's a Grammy Nominations Concert on TV right now. Dave Grohl is announcing nominees like they all won something. What the hell? So dumb.
Enjoying cheddar on Ritz crackers and a Manhattan. Klassy.
Pandora kicked ass on my way home, even playing a Wedding Present song off of "Seamonsters." And then Sebadoh! Thumbs up all the way.


Jon Buster McLeod Rob Hruska Jim Benson Dave Schappell Bill Nordwall Derrick Hachey Mike Standish ThreeImaginaryGirls ingopixel Joey Trimmer &y Etsy simonehodges lineout Bryan Middleton adrianho Sartorialist jeffreybruce Jim Cooley Allison Ellis joerandazzo spencert7 bonotbeau baconsalt Nordstrom tweetstory Jill Corral jdg simone hodges whoisbubba mckinleyparker katiegruver Ed O'Brien Avery1972 powkang