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"A weakness is any activity that leaves you feeling weaker after you do it." - Marcus Buckingham, one of the few gurus I respect / read
Just uploaded my inaugural "video blog post" - five minute recording on YouTube - about upcoming posts:
@Chrisyeh Why am I white and still got mad hops? 2 percent milk, baby, 2 percent.
There is something cruel and unusual about putting on a suit and tie at 7:15 on a Saturday morning.
Evidence that I'm currently in California: 1) I think I just felt a small earthquake, 2) It was sunny t-shirt weather today (Dec 5).
@mnupp Loving and being loved is a huge part of happiness, but I think happiness also entails intellectual components, too.
Excellent rule of thumb: Never, ever, ever pay compliments that contain comparatives (e.g. "than"). (From )
Bill Richardson repeated his acceptance speech as Commerce Sec in Spanish after doing it in English. Bilingualism in US: not if but when.
"My goals in life: To love, be loved, and never stop learning." - Tim F. That's pretty damn good. Those are mine, tho I would add happiness.
Chillin' via a hilarious episode of Seinfeld (George is T-Bone, Jerry w/ his maid) on And eating saltines / peanutbutter
Winner for the most boring newspaper headline ever, according to a New Republic contest few years back: "Worthwhile Canadian Initiative"
Dear Person Raising Your Hand: Wait your turn. You'll be called on. Leaving your hand up while others are talking is obnoxious. Love, Ben
Women study abroad more than men 2:1. Fascinating. Why? Risk tolerance? Female biological clock? See:
I've never believed/understood the logic, "I don't do things drunk that I wouldn't have done sober." I almost always find this not true.
"Man never really grows up, he just learns how to act in public." - Krishna, commenting on my blog post on true colors emerge in tough times
@jackiedanicki OMG. I literally just typed the exact same question into my draft blog post folder. The EXACT same question.
@YuleHeibel critical mass of black swans is an oxymoron!
Smart is like vanilla ice cream. There are thousands of really smart people. I value eccentricity, weirdness, interestingness. Black swans.
Most actively seek positivity and happiness. Another approach is to try to eliminate negativity and things that make you unhappy.


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