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Morning y'all! Today's exercise: Practice gratitude as much as I can without using words.
Night y'all. Gonna be a lightweight and get sufficient sleep before facing Monday morning.
Just saw my first BK Burger Virgins ad. It left me... limp with disappointment.
@KathySierra Telling somebody "You're not a failure. I did that too..."
@DNF24 Ooh... Ooh... Pick me! Pick me!
Suddenly wondering if all my "original" thoughts are just channeling someone more creative (though possibly not as attractive) than me.
@DNF24 My stat prof used to say: The problem with intelligence is that everybody forgets it's a bell curve. Everybody can't be >> ......
@DNF24 Common sense is common, just not distributed equally...
@FADKOG Kind of having-my-cake-and-eating-it-too (if I'm allowed that many dashes in an extended metaphor...)
Every time I think TV can't get worse, ABC proves me wrong. Walt must be spinning in his cryogenic tank.
@FADKOG Actually, the joke was on her the second time--I wasn't really drunk!
If random thoughts are the fuel of the Internet, I'm sitting on a gold mine. (In a mixed-metaphor kind of way)
@FADKOG I had kids because of an open bar at a friend's wedding... My wife took advantage of me.
@thebrandbuilder Now I'm picturing a chihuahua on a mini Harley. You rebels!
@FADKOG Sometimes I do the Happy Dance just to embarass my daughters. ;^)
@thebrandbuilder Yeah, it's the guys with dachsunds that are compensating...
@FADKOG Only if we let it. All I can be is the best me that I can be.
@FADKOG When we start noticing others paying attention to us. It's all fun until we give a shit about what others thing.


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