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Time to hit the sheets. Have a wonderful night everyone!
Twitterfon is really getting on my nerves.
Eid Mubarak to everyone who's celebrating!!!
sorry about so many tweets about the recipe..:(
New post on my blog: Roasted Potato and Chicken Salad
The last link was screwed. New post on my blog: Roasted Potato and Chicken Salad
New post on my blog: Roasted Potato and Chicken Salad
Cooking lamb curry for tomorrow.
Yummy salad for dinner! Gonna post the recipe on my blog later.
Off to make some brownies for tomorrow.
My favorite yoga pose: Tree pose
Tomorrow is Eid, and I don't have anything prepared.
Twitterfon is crashing way too much. :(
Morning peeps! Hope you have a better weather than me. It's raining here :(
I had a really long day. Time to hit the sheets. Good night, Tweet People! You are awesome...
@2cute2miss The pic doesn't do any justice, it was sooo beautiful!! It seemed someone poured a cup of liquid gold on the clouds!
We were fooling around on the streets of downtown, Pullman.
I can't believe I am going to sew something. :)
Going to safeway.


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