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So, what's the opposite of a fairweather friend?
Never believed the Mormons' crazy religion anyway....
It's a new day
Cherish this moment, for one day you will look back and remember that this is where it all began. And God has truly blessed America.
well, folks, this is it...
Google Phone FTW
Finally got the T-Mobile G1...screw you, iPhone
Saw Senator Obama close the deal last night....
Going to see Bill the Ex-President, and Barack the Next President at a rally tonight! Woot!
Thanks Governor Crist for extending early voting hours until 8PM and doing your part to help Barack Obama win Florida.
Ted Stevens went down the tubes.
" was a routine physical" (take 2)
" was a routine physical."
Congratulations Ashley Todd for helping Obama-Biden win this election!
things fall apart
If you can't work in a team, no matter how good you are at your work, you will never be good at your job.
How much can you save by being green this year?
I hate drive throughs...


Biz Stone Evan Williams Sarah Milstein Livia Dunstan Alissa Rael Dornfest Ian McKellar Chris Wetherell Bob veen Jason Shellen Maggie Mason davegray Jerry Michalski Lane Peter Berg Scott Fegette Ian Hay caroline Eric Alba om Gavin Nick Douglas Chris MacDonald Mr Messina Brian Oberkirch Scott Beale BJ Cook Aubrey Sabala Brett Petersel arvind s grover Jackson West Dave Winer Glenda Dan Cederholm
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