Pierre Omidyar’s Favorites

Myles Weissleder
mylerdude ¡sʞǝǝʍ ǝsoɥʇ ɟo ǝuo uǝǝq s,ʇı ¡ʎןoɯ ʎןoɥ
Tim Trentham
ttrentham #100d Spend the first 25 on economy, next 25 on healthcare and last 50 on sending as many of the Bush administration to jail as possible.
Chris Sacca
sacca Looking to have some fun this afternoon? Have a bag full of wire hangers tear open over three flights of stairs. Whoopee!
Eric Rice
spin For new followers that want a more coherent version of me (note 2 twitter accts)
Seth Eagelfeld
Obstructionist Wish Twitter would give me a list of all the links my friends tweeted today. This really is the only way I see anything anymore....
Jim Long
newmediajim somethin tells me you'll hear the word "Twitter" on a certain popular morning sow tomorrow. just sayin' ;-)
Andy Carvin
acarvin It's 3.14 1:59 right now. Pie break!
Pierre Omidyar
pierre Getting my money's worth on Skype today. How many free video calls do I have to make to cover the cost of acquisition?
BBC World News
bbcworld Meg Whitman, the chief executive of online auction website eBay announces she will step down on 31 March.
John Edwards
johnedwards Leaving event, spoke about ending the crisis in Darfur.
Robert Scoble
Scobleizer Founder of eBay @pierre is on Twitter. Says I'm more famous than he is (I met him this morning). I said "no way is that true."
Pierre Omidyar
pierre If Web 2.0 can't help me stay organized, what is it good for?
Pierre Omidyar
pierre Getting organized, again. How come when you get organized one time, you don't *stay* organized?
Pierre Omidyar
pierre wondering what all the fuss is about


Jack Dorsey Evan Williams Josh Kopelman Chris Sacca heif Ross Narendra Tara missrogue Hunt Michael Parekh Rob Hayes Dan Patterson Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Christine Herron Steve Woolf Jim Long Philip Campbell Greg Stein Robert Scoble Ryan Carson Alex Payne Grégoire Japiot Ryan Kanno Anil Dash Kevin Marks James Governor Jemima Kiss CNN Breaking News Darth Vader 30Boxes Joi Ito Bill Clinton Steve Jobs Borat Sagdiyev Kitto Mandala Omigog
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