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RT @joeljohnson: Fuck yes, America.
As soon as the daily show finishes, I'm flipping to fox news to watch and gloat.
Holy crap Ohio. Didn't know ya had it in ya!
@miketrose, if you have a sec to follow @skydiver who is FP's buddy, he could use a mac hand.
@writingroads: interesting about OH voters since both cities are the only dem strongholds in the state.
off to vote for "that one."
BTW: it's Pass Kontrol, I think they webified on myspace, of all G-forsaken places.
Awe. The switcheroo on Halloween from my favorite band. All is complete now.
Day before moving day = second biggest teh sux
Oh, hai, new twitland. Twitterific is rific. Still voting for Obama! Gratuitous. I know. You seen You'll get it.
Don't design by the wireframe! Design by usability. Teach me something. Please.
am thoroughly satisfied with how my sunday was spent.
@miketrose: ask him why he's against someone who takes care of their own. A guiding principal in anyone I trust.
@ozsultan: they are the balini masters there.
Heading to the Bedford area for shenanigans later, iffn anyone is around.
@ozsultan: = ho tracker. I'm sure 1938 media will be looking for reparations.
@miketrose: just wear sunglasses the whole time and mess up your hair. They'll think you're the eccentric genius of the group.
@billcammack: read your recent post and comments, so I am watching you. As an interweb innovator.
awesomesauce via andrew baron: