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back at EmTech today
Some poor woman is standing at the microphone waiting to ask a ? but the nerds just keep talking at 100 miles per hour
They started taking questions then seemed to forget that the audience is here and they're just talking ot each other again.
Scoble was pulling FB friends to Plaxo, got busted and shut down. Wanted back up. FB shut him off.
Scoble talking about FB having control of your info, being able to cut you off whenever they like, "you need a better contract with ......
Facebook guy backpedals and says yeah we need to do better job, make people feel safer etc.
Go Scoble.
Snap! Scoble tears Facebook a new one, says their policies suck.h
It's like watching a bad movie from a freshman dorm with 5 geeks on coke talking at high speed. My head hurts!
The panel is total chaos, just five nerds talking real fast about whatever comes into their heads.
Banks melting down, war in Iraq, energy crisis, etc. etc., and these guys are obsessed with open APIs to make better social apps. Oy.
All these big brains being applied to solve such relatively unimportant problems? Sad.
They keep talking about using Twitter and Facebook etc. to find a restaurant for dinner last night.
It's like watching an ADHD support group.
Listening to Scoble and 4 guys (Facebook, Plaxo, Six Apart, Twine) ramble. I want to weep.
My cynical take on the G1 Android announcement is here:
waiting now for scoble and his pals from facebook, plaxo and twine to tell us about the future of the internet.
This happened at the Emtech conference at MIT. So cool.
just met Scoble in person for first time. We had a man hug. He's cuddly.