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Carlisle Barracks

A flag on the front of Pop Warners house on Carlisle Barracks
Pop Warners house

Front of the USAWC Building on Carlisle Barracks
U.S. Army War College

Summer view of Letort Spring on Carlisle Barracks

A memorial with cannons on Carlisle Barracks

Old housing units on Carlisle Barracks

Fall view of Letort Spring on Carlisle Barracks

View of the old MHI building on Carlisle Barracks

Spring view behind Letort Spring Run on Carlisle Barracks

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Military Family Program (MFP)
Providing Information to Military Families Worldwide
Featuring over 460 links to Information and Assistance Web Sites
Printable Directory of Resources
USAWC Military Family Program Seal

One core value for leadership is service before self, signifying a proper ordering of priorities. While the Soldier's focus is on service to the nation, it also requires the service member to have previously prepared and properly taken care of Family and self.

The basic principle driving this effort is that Soldier's fight better when not worried about problems at home. The Military Family Program assists the Soldier in insuring the well being of his/her Family.
Military Family Program Vision
More than half our Army is married, with more than a half-million spouses and 700,000 children, each one a precious gift who represents our future. Army Families help each other. They depend on each other, but in an era of persistent conflict the challenge grows with each deployment.

The Army recognizes the challenge, listens to Families and is taking action. Secretary of the Army Pete Geren, Army Chief of Staff Gen. George Casey, Jr., and Sgt. Maj. of the Army Kenneth Preston signed a covenant with Army Families.

This Army Family Covenant recognizes the commitment, sacrifices and contribution to readiness our Families make every day.

On 6 November 2007, The Deputy Commandant, U.S. Army War College and the Garrison Commander and Command Sergeant Major of Carlisle Barracks signed the Army Family Covenant for Carlisle Barracks. During the month of November, Covenant signing ceremonies also occured at every Army installation worldwide.

The Army Family Covenant commits the Army to provide Families a strong, supportive environment where they can thrive. The words of the covenant are a pledge to ensure our families remain strong, so our Soldiers remain strong.

Army Family Covenant

USAWC Objectives
The U.S. Army War College Military Family Program contributes to this ongoing commitment with three major objectives.
  • Develop the physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and intellectual well being of the individual as a member of the Family.
  • Reinforce relationships between military Family issues and readiness.
  • Prepare students and spouses for roles as senior leaders in developing and implementing personal, unit, and community Family programs.
Training and Information
Each year the spouses of the U.S. Army War College Class compile and update books meant to enhance their lives and those who will follow them in the role of "Military Spouse."  Please share these books and their contents as you proceed in your role as a military spouse.  
Wounded Soldier Hotline
Wounded Warrior Web Site

As of 26 March, the hotline will begin 24-hour operations, 7 days a week. If you send an email to us, please provide us with your phone number so we may call you back.

* Stateside: 1-800-984-8523
* Overseas DSN: 312-328-0002
* Stateside DSN: 328-0002
* Email:

Program Activities
The activities of the Military Family Program are structured into four distinct categories. They encompass a series of workshops, and lectures for students and spouses dealing with important Family issues. These lectures and workshops are presented throughout the academic year.

U.S. Army Family Readiness Support Assistant FRSA
Family ReadinessSupport Assistant FRSA (loads slow)
This resource guide is designed to orient and inform new Family Readiness Support Assistants (FRSAs) about the roles and responsibilities of their position. As an integral part of the Family Readiness Team, the FRSA plays a key role in assisting the efforts of Commanders and Family Readiness Group (FRG) volunteer leaders in their support of Soldiers and their Families. (MATERIALS MAY BE REPRODUCED FOR DEPARTMENT OF ARMY USE.)

Operation Ready Smart Book
Operation Ready Smart Book (loads slow)
This guide was prepared for the U.S. Army Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation Command (FMWRC) College of Human Ecology, Family Life Development Center had oversight of graphic reproduction and publication design, Wells Communication, Ithaca, N.Y. (MATERIALS MAY BE REPRODUCED FOR DEPARTMENT OF ARMY USE.)

Combined Our Hero Book Our Hero Handbook
Combined Our Hero Handbook
Published 21 December 2007
A Walter Reed Army Medical Center Our Hero Handbook for Families of Wounded Soldiers of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operatrion Enduring Freedom.

This handbook is intended for Family Members of seriously wounded Soldiers. It is not meant to be a complete resource in and of itself, but rather a guide for Families to follow when navigating the complex system of care.

Cover of Trama in the UnitTrauma in the Unit
A Guide to Trauma in the Unit
The Leaders Guide to Trauma in the Unit is an excellent resource for all leaders that helps them to focus on the vital issues that accompany grief or trauma in and organization. - (Statement by David H. Huntoon, Jr., Major General, Commandant, U.S. Army War College) - (Word Format )   Trauma Guide Cover

 Cover graphic of a miltary members  hugging with the title in large balack letters Battlebook III (New) Battle Book IV
View Battle Book IV
Each year at the United States Army War College (USAWC), the spouses of the students are given the opportunity to participate in a class project. For the past several years, spouse committees have chosen to write handbooks regarding information pertinent to spouses and Family Members in the Armed Forces.

Spouses from the USAWC Class of 2007 chose to update the Spouse's Battle Book, a compendium that was first written by spouses from the USAWC Class of 1998 and substantially rewritten by spouses from the USAWC Class of 2005. Now the spouses' of the class of AY2009 have continued the tradition and developed an update to the Spouse Battle Book.

 Photo of a miltary member saying goodbye to his wife before deploying to a war zoneThe Company Commanders Spouse Battle Book
The Company Commanders Spouse Battle Book  - A resource Handbook Each year at the United States Army War College (USAWC), the spouses of the students are given the opportunity to participate in a class project. For the past years, spouse committees have chosen to write handbooks regarding information pertinent to spouses and Family members in the armed forces. In 1996, a committee of spouses wrote IT TAKES A TEAM - A Resource for the Company Commander's Spouse/Representative.

We chose to update this particular guidebook and write THE COMPANY COMMANDER'S SPOUSE BATTLE BOOK for three reasons; use of the internet, the reorganization of the U.S. Army, and the increased deployment of units because of the War on Terror and Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom. (OEF, OIF)

 red phase green phase wich is nextRed Phase - Green Phase?
Red Phase -- Green Phase -- Which Phase Next? -- A guidebook for the training battalion commanders spouse and or representative.  As you probably realized from the title of this book, it is a resource for the IET (Initial Entry Training) Battalion Commander’s spouse/representative. An opportunity to serve in a training battalion is a great experience. For us, standing at graduation and hearing hundreds of civilians become soldiers is very heartwarming and humbling.

Guide to BSB and Garrison CommandsBSB/Garrison Commands
The Spouse's Guide to BSB and Garrison Commands -- This manual was developed by a committee of former BSB and Garrison Spouses, whose husbands were students at the U.S. Army War College, Carlisle, PA in the Class of 2001. This manual is an endeavor based on their ideas, insights, and experiences from these former BSB and Garrison command spouses, offered with best wishes to the future spouses in these roles. To our knowledge, it is the only manual of its type, developed by “those who have done it” for “those who will do it.”

Guide to BSB and Garrison CommandsChoices and Challenges
Choices and Challenges -- A Guide for the Battalion Commanders Spouse This is an excellent guide for the Battalion Command Team. Although addressed to the commander's spouse, it offers the wisdom from successful command tours and should be read by both the perspective commander and his/her spouse. It clarifies many of the expectations inherent in command responsibility, many of which are not addressed in regulations. It will be a tremendous aid in building a successful command team.

Leaders LinkThe Leader's Link
The Leader's Link - The strength of the Army is its People -- soldiers, members, and how the employ their talents to making our Army a better place in which to live, work, and prosper. Our most effective way to employ this strength is to "link" the unit and Family together. A partnership exists between the Army and Army families. The Army's unique missions, concept of service, and lifestyle of its members -- all affect the nature of this partnership.

United States Army War College
Department of Command, Leadership, and Management
122 Forbes Avenue, Carlisle, PA 17013
(Last updated 9 April 2009)

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