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Opportunities with OFBCI


The Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives is seeking an individual to assist with improving coordination and communication amongst disaster response agencies throughout Indiana.  Application deadline is April 15, 2008.  The successful candidate will attend a paid, pre-service orientation in Chicago from June 23-26, 2008.  The term of service will be June 27, 2008 - June 26, 2009.  Through the AmeriCorps*VISTA program (Volunteers in Service to America), individuals make a one-year, full-time commitment to create and expand programs that address issues related to poverty.  To learn more about the benefits and conditions of service, click here

If you or someone you know is looking to give back to the community through service, please visit to view the position description or to apply.  For more information, call the OFBCI at 317-233-4273 or email

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