Statistics on Patents

World Patent Report: A Statistical Review

  (published in August 2008)

Readers are welcome to use the information provided in this report, but are requested to cite WIPO as the source.
Tables and graphs can be downloaded on this web site.


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Data sources: The statistics reported here are based on information supplied to WIPO by patent offices in annual surveys and data generated at WIPO during the PCT application process. Data can be missing for some offices or for some period of time. When it is necessary and feasible, missing data are estimated by WIPO on an aggregate level. The statistics on field of technology and patent families are constructed by WIPO based on data obtained from the PATSTAT database, which is maintained by the EPO.

(Last update: August 6, 2008)

Patent Application Filings Tables Listings
Total number of patent applications (1985-2006)
by resident and non-resident
Patent applications by patent office (1883-2006)
by resident and non-resident
Patent applications by country of origin and by office (1995-2006) XLS CSV
Patent families by country of origin (1990-2005) XLS CSV
Foreign-oriented patent families by country of origin (2001-2005) XLS CSV
Patent applications by field of technology (2001-2005)
aggregate data
Patent applications by field of technology (2001-2005 average)
by country of origin and leading countries


Patents Granted Tables Listings
Total number of patent grants (1985-2006)
by resident and non-resident
Patent grants by patent office (1883-2006)
by resident and non-resident
Patent grants by country of origin and by office (1995-2006) XLS CSV


Patents in Force Tables Listings
Patents in force by patent office (1997-2006) XLS --
Patents in force in 2006 by patent office and year of filing (1981-2006) XLS CSV


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