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MAES/MDA Containment Facility
MAES/MDA Containment FacilityFuture site for Plant Pathogen Wing (located behind the current facility)

To support research and release of imported natural enemies for biological control of exotic insect pests and noxious weeds.

The Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station (MAES)/Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) Containment Facility (hereafter termed "the quarantine facility") had been in the planning stage for over 10 years. Dr. David Ragsdale from the Department of Entomology at the University of Minnesota (UMN) and Dr. Dharma Sreenivasam (retired) at the MDA had made fundamental contributions to the planning and construction of this facility. This biosafety level 2 (BL2) quarantine facility:

  • Was built by the College of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences (COAFES) and the MAES of the UMN;
  • Was opened in May 2003;
  • Is jointly operated by the COAFES of the UMN and the Agricultural Resources Management and Development Division (ARMD) of the MDA;
  • Is licensed to the MDA by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS); and
  • Is the only facility of its kind in the Midwest.

  UMN COAFES logo    MDA logo

Biological Control and Quarantine

Jo Barta conducting host range testing.
Jo Barta conducting host range
of soybean aphid
parasitoids introduced from Asia.

 Dr. Jeanie Katovich, USFS Chief Dale Bosworth and USFS researchers.
Dr. Jeanie Katovich introducing the garlic
mustard biocontrol program to USFS Chief,
Dale Bosworth, and other researchers.

MDA Contact

Zhishan Wu, Ph.D., Quarantine Officer
MAES/MDA Plant Growth Facilities East, University of Minnesota
Room 102, 1907 Dudley Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55108
612-625-3779 (office) • 612-626-3568 (facility) • 612-626-6411 (fax)