The University of Vermont

Vermont Pasture and Grazing Management
Pasture and Grazing Management
Topics and Articles
  • Species Selection and Establishment
  • Pasture Management
  • Fertilization and Nutrient Management
  • Weed and Pest Management
  • Poisonous Plants and Animal Disorders
  • Economics and Pasture Planning
  • Research Reports
    Links to Other Pasture/Grazing Sites

    Vermont Pasture Network
    The Northeast Grazing Guide

    Topics and Articles Top

    Species Selection and Establishment  

    Characteristics of Forage and Pasture Species Grown in Vermont

    Establishing and Managing Horse Pastures in Vermont

    Birdsfoot Trefoil As a Grazing or Hay Crop

    Cicer milkvetch - A Potential Non-Bloating Legume for Northeast Pastures

    Forage Species Identification - a link to an excellent site from Purdue

    Identification Guide for Forage Legumes Grown in the Northeast  - a two page table of pictures and diagrams to help in the identification of the major forage legumes grown in the Northeast (a large pdf fact sheet that may take a little time to download)

    Identification Guide for Forage Grasses Grown in the Northeast   - a two page table of pictures and diagrams to help in the identification of the major forage grasses grown in the Northeast (a large pdf fact sheet that may take a little time to download)

    Pasture Management Top

    Pasture Management Through the Season

    Improving Pasture Production

    Pasture Quality At Shelburne Farms - 2005 

    Assessing On-Farm Pasture Availability and Forage Quality for Dairy Feed Planning

    Using Farm Records to Determine Pasture Production and Growth Rates

    Fertilization and Nutrient Management Top

    Nitrogen Management on Pasture

    Managing High K Forages for the Dry Cow

    Nutrient Recommendations for Field Crops in Vermont

    Pasture Pest and Weed Management Top  

    Managing Smooth Bedstraw in Forage Crops

    Blue-green algae in farm ponds -(requires Adobe Reader)

    Wild Chervil -(requires Adobe Reader)

    Ergot Problems in 2007 

    Armyworm in 2007

    Poisonous Plants and Animal Disorders Top  
    Plant Poisoning of Livestock in Vermont (a large pdf fact sheet that may take a little time to download)

    Poisonous Plants for Livestock- Cornell

    Economics and Pasture Planning Top 

    Estimating Pasture Carrying Capacity, Pasture Yield, and Costs (an Excel Spreadsheet program)

    The Vermont CropMD (Management Data Base)

    Machinery Custum Rates (from Pennsylvania)

    Research Reports Top  

    Nutritional and Economic Aspects of Supplemented, Grazing Dairy Cattle

    The Influence Of Social Facilitation On The Grazing Behavior Of Lactating Dairy Cows

    Dairy Cow Grazing Behavior

    Management of Natural Kentucky Bluegrass - White Clover Pasture

    Economics of Feeding Dairy Cows on Well-Managed Pastures

    Group Raising of Dairy Calves on Well-Managed Pasture

    Managing Parasites of Grazing Livestock on Organic Farms

    Expanding Profits for Sheep Production through Intensive Pasture Management

    Pasture Quality At Shelburne Farms - 2005

    Assessing On-Farm Pasture Availability and Forage Quality for Dairy Feed Planning

    Links Top   

    The Vermont Crops and Soils Homepage provides these linkages for your access to more information, but we do not necessarily agree nor endorse all the information and ideas that you may find on some of these links. 

    Penn State Forage Site
    Cornell Forage-Livestock Systems
    Forage-Livestock Systems from West Virginia  
    Un. of Missouri Forage Systems Research Center
    Grazing lands conservation initiative
    Getting Started Grazing (Ohio State)
    Pasture Systems & Watershed Management Research Laboratory
    Sustainable farming connection
    Alternative Farming Systems Information Center
    American Forage & Grassland Council


    This site is maintained by, Plant & Soil Science Department, University of Vermont.

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    Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the United States Department of Agriculture. University of Vermont Extension, Burlington, Vermont.University of Vermont Extension and U.S. Department of Agriculture, cooperating, offer education and employment to everyone without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, or marital or familial status

    Last modified January 08 2009 10:51 AM

    Contact UVM © 2009 The University of Vermont - Burlington, VT 05405 - (802) 656-3131