Specimen Database Search

Specimen database search

Search Criteria
Common Name:
Collection Date:    
Collector's Identifier:
Bar Code:
Nearest Named Place:
Flowers present?:   
Fruit present?:   
Sort By:   
Output Type:   


Please fill in search fields and then click the "Search" button. Searches are "and" searches, all criteria selected must be matched. All fields left blank are wildcards.If you want to search for an empty field choose "IS EMTPY" from the bottom of the drop down list(s). Dates should be entered in month day year format (ex. sept 30 1963).In the results list click on the barcode link to view specimen details and images.

Some plant species are rare and endangered. Unless you are logged in, you will not see locality data for these species in the “Specimen Detail” pages or the images.To receive a user name and password, email your request to the director of the herbarium with an explanation of why you need locality information for those species.