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17 Aug 2007 - First Bulletin now online
The very first ACPS Bulletin (first published in April 1982) has been scanned and published online in the articles section. It was scanned and OCR was used to convert the text, so there may be some typos that have slipped through.
11 Aug 2006 - Online access now available
If you haven't received your login details yet, please email David and after confirming that you are a current member, I'll forward your username and password.
7 Jul 2006 - Online access ready soon
Apologies for the delay, but we are almost ready to start sending out login details to ACPS members so you can begin to make better use of the website. We'll be adding more articles and pictures over time (it's a largely manual process), so keep checking back even after you've received your username and password.
18 May 2006 - New website launched
This is probably the biggest change to the ACPS online presence since our original website was launched way back in 1999! As time goes by additional premium content will be added - hopefully we'll eventually have the entire ACPS Bulletin collection online.
Premium content will only be accessible by society members — if you're not a member, then now's the time to sign up!.
Existing and new members will be issued with login details soon