Flora of China Checklist

The Flora of China Checklist provides on-line access to information concerning the ferns and seed plants of China. The information includes floristic and nomenclatural data. The floristic data includes distribution, status, and references to the Chinese-language Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae [FRPS], the English-language Flora of China [FOC], and the FOC Illustration volumes. Synonymy follows the FOC (completed volumes). Use the W3Tropicos button to find bibliographic, type, and image data.

The information presented here represents the working Checklist database. We welcome comments and additions. Please contact Ihsan Al-Shehbaz or Michele Funston with comments or suggestions.

Enter a scientific name in the box below to view information gathered for that taxon. Or select a taxon from the index lists provided below.


Accepted taxa All names Synonomys

Examples of scientific names are: Poa, Clerodendrum confine. The names can be reduced to “Significant Characters,“ for example Pinus koraiensis can be accessed by typing Pinus kora', as long as no other names has this arrangement of letters. For infraspecific taxa, enter the generic name followed by the complete species name followed by the significant characters of the infraspecific names.