Botanical Society of America
Online Image Collection

- educational images for instructional use


[ Introduction to the Site | Topics Covered | How to Use the Site | Terms of Use & License | Sponsors | History | Donors - Past, Present and Future | Instant Access ]

Access the Collection

Currently we offer 15 topics plus covers to the American Journal of Botany. The following are links to thumbnails of this collection. Three formats of images are supported: 300 and 700 pixel width (these links) and ~640 and ~1200 pixel width (at Search the Collection).

OUR COLLECTIONS: American Journal of Botany Cover Images, Carnivorous Plants, Cellular Communication Channels, Economic Botany, Floral Ontogeny, Lichens, Mitosis, Organography, Paleobotany, Phloem Development, Plant Anatomy, Plant Defense Mechanisms, Plant Geography, Plant Morphology (also includes fungi, slime mold, lichens, mosses), Pollen, Xylem Development

Top of page Search the Collection

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Top of page Introduction

Through the generosity of the BSA Teaching Section, BSA Education Committee and individual donors, the Botanical Society of America has made a collection of approximately 800 images available for instructional use. A short history of this collection is provided below. The copyright and any intellectual property rights for these images are retained by the individual donors who have permitted BSA to distribute these images subject to the licensing agreement at the bottom of the screen. The current images are also available as 35 mm color slides at cost through the BSA Business Office. By accessing these images, you are agreeing to our licensing agreement.

Top of page Topics

Currently, there are 14 collections of images: Plant Geography, Plant Morphology, Phloem Development, Xylem Development, Floral Ontogeny, Lichens, Economic Botany, Carnivorous Plants, Organography, Pollen, Paleobotany, Plant Defense Mechanisms, Plant Anatomy, and Cellular Communication Channels. If you have a topic that you would like to see included, please contact us. See below for access to the site and information for donors. See above to search the site for a specific topic.

Top of page How to Use the Site

Digital images are provided in three resolutions: thumbnail, medium and high resolution. These images may be manipulated using any of the available graphics programs that accept JPG images. Word-processing programs (including MS Word) and presentation software (like PowerPoint) have the capability of importing and adjusting the size of images for display or printing. Generally starting with a higher resolution image will yield a higher resolution result. Some programs also allow adjustment of brightness, contrast and other parameters to meet your individual display purposes. Please feel free to alter these images to meet your non-profit teaching activities. The licensing agreement follows below. If you have any questions about any of the images, please e-mail the webmaster.

Or search the site. Warning: Some of the directories have over 50 images. Thumbnails are provided to help visitors to select images, but these still take time to load, especially over slow modem lines or international connections.

Top of page License Agreement

Use of the site is limited to free use in a nonprofit educational or private non-commercial context. Images remain the property of the copyright holder, who retains all rights implicit in copyright laws and other rights to the images not enumerated here for worldwide use. Images may be stored for personal or classroom use, provided that the image displays the unaltered text watermark. All rights to reproduce these images are retained by the Botanical Society of America and the copyright owner. By accessing these images, you are consenting to our licensing agreement. By mentioning these rights, we are just underscoring that those who donated these images should get credit for them and receive any nominal fees should a publisher decide to use these images in a book or CD.

Top of page Sponsor

The chief sponsor of this project is the Botanical Society of America using computer and network facilities provided by the Samuel Roberts Noble Microscopy Laboratory of the University of Oklahoma. These images are all from the slide collection of the BSA Teaching Section. Image donors include: Isabel Ahlgren, Vernon Ahmadjian, Arnold Bakken, Alan Battan, John Bevington, James Burkhalter, Iris Charvat, Ping-chin Cheng, Turner Collins, Larry Crockett, John Curtis, Darlene DeMason, Donald Despain, Phil Dixon, Katherine Esau, Mark Fay, John Green, John Hall, Dave Hicks, Ann Hirsch, Robert Kaul, David Keil, Nels Lersten, Randy Meyers, Paul Monson, Robert Montgomery, Walter Mozgala, Jack Nelson, Fred Norris, Knut Norstog, Steve Pallardy, Alan Rebertus, Douglas Reynolds, C. Rowell, Rolf Sattler, Clifford Schmidt, Marsh Sundberg, Jennifer Thorsch, Dave Webb, Michael Weil, Steve Weller. Images were converted from slides by Tom Jurik and Dave Webb. Site construction was by Scott Russell and this site is maintained by the current BSA Webmaster.

Top of page History of the BSA Image Collection

In the late 1980s, the BSA Teaching Section solicited slides from its members to share for the purposes of teaching, mainly for trade among themselves. Many of the images complement standard text images, partly because the standard images are readily available in textbooks that they use. With the popularization of the Internet, images were scanned into digital format to make the collection more readily available. This site was inaugurated on August 1, 1999, coinciding with the start of the International Botanical Congress in St. Louis. Sadly, not all topics are covered on this site and the descriptions are sparing (though we hope to find time to expand them). If you would like to see a topic covered, please consider finding some images and donating them to us.

Top of page Donations

Botanical images suitable for instructional use may be submitted in the form of 35 mm color or black-and-white slides or large-format digital images (ideally in the range of approximately 1600 X 1200 pixels) with minimal or no compression and preferably no watermark label on the image. The owner of the copyright must sign a licensing agreement with BSA for non-exclusive worldwide rights to distribute the image for use in a nonprofit educational or private non-commercial context. (BSA retains the right to charge an incidental, nominal fee for providing the images to the user. Contact the BSA for full details and form.

Top of page Cross-Listing

Also listed at - the world's first all-digital stock illustration firm. All 30,000 + stock illustrations, spot images, and stock art from over 200 artists can be downloaded instantly online, delivered via e-mail, or next day on disk.














  Top of page 1Making multiple selections for the search engine:

  1. Press and hold down the "ctrl" key (on a PC) or "apple" key (on a Macintosh).
  2. While holding down the button, "click" on the mouse button (left button on PCs) over your selections.
  3. Release the key. Scroll up and down to check your responses.
  4. Note: If all of your selections are not highlighted, add them by following step 1 again; do not let go of the key until all desiM> until all desired selections are highlighted.
  5. Pressing the mouse button without holding the keyboard key down resets the number of selections to one!

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[ Introduction to the Site | Topics Covered | How to Use the Site | Terms of Use & License | Sponsors | History | Donors - Past, Present and Future | Top of the Page ]