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Citation and Acknowledgements

Please cite the PLANTS Database as:

USDA, NRCS. 2008. The PLANTS Database (, 4 December 2008). National Plant Data Center, Baton Rouge, LA 70874-4490 USA.


Taxonomic Checklist Data Contributors:

John Kartesz, Biota of North America Program, provided the foundational U.S. vascular plant checklist, state and county distribution, and the original duration, growth habit, and native status data used in PLANTS.  NRCS is pleased to have significantly funded BONAP and supported the development of this critical land management information from 1990 until 2006.  Luc Brouillet (Université de Montréal) and Canadian colleagues generously donated Canadian vascular plant names with distribution and attributes in 2006. Sarah Wennerberg developed the 2008 Native Status data for Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. Vascular data—especially native status and scientific name authorities and orthography—have since been partially revised by Mark Skinner, and will continue to be revised internally and by external specialists for the foreseeable future.

Robert Egan (U. Nebraska at Omaha) and Theodore Esslinger (North Dakota State University) provided the North American lichen checklist, which is periodically published in The Bryologist.

Lewis Anderson and Molly McMullen of Duke University provided the original North American moss checklist, and it was updated by Marshall Crosby of the Missouri Botanical Garden.

Ray Stotler and Barbara Crandall-Stotler of Southern Illinois University, Carbondale provided the North American liverwort and hornwort checklists.

Mark Skinner, Stinger Guala, and Alexander Pyle check and compile these checklist data.  Checklist higher taxonomy was developed by Mark Skinner and Deiter Wilken.


Other Data Development:

Alternative Crops
National Plant Data Center staff maintain this information.

NRCS staff developed this information, and it was supplemented by the USGS Wetland Research Center.  James Henson is the data steward.

Culturally Significant
Kat Anderson developed this information.

Fact Sheets & Plant Guides
Authors are indicated on each of the documents available at Fact Sheets & Plant Guides.

Image Gallery
Our many fine photographers are listed at the Gallery in the “Select by Artist” search box.  Stinger Guala curates the PLANTS images, which are processed by Bert Noel using a tool developed by Paul Carlson.

Legal Status
These lists (Invasive and Noxious Weeds, Threatened & Endangered, and Wetland Indicator Status) are developed by various state and federal agencies.  Mark Skinner compiles and updates this information.

Plant Materials Publications
Authors are indicated on each of the documents available at Plant Materials Publications.

PLANTS Identification
Stinger Guala wrote SLIKS, the digital plant key that PLANTS Identification uses, and manages development of PLANTS identification keys. We thank the data compilers acknowledged on the individual keys, especially David Bogler at the Missouri Botanical Garden.


Programming and Management:

Scott Peterson is the PLANTS data steward, and has led PLANTS development since its inception. Phil Smith and Frank Geter manage the PLANTS project at ITC.  Tony Hernandez is the PLANTS Team leader. Tony and Mark Skinner manage the PLANTS workflow, and he and Alexander Pyle manage the data at ITC. Along with Bert Noel, Gus Ray, and Debbie Young, they create the PLANTS Web application using designs developed collaboratively by the PLANTS Team.