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NYS Pollution Prevention Institute

Incorporate green into your everyday business practices. Improve your business' productivity. Reduce your business' carbon footprint. The NYS Pollution Prevention Institute (P2I) promotes cost effective methods to conserve energy, reduce wastes and improve performance. NYS P2I makes businesses more competitive by enabling them to be more efficient.

The Department of Environmental Conservation is pleased to invest in New York State's economy through its partnership with the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). RIT, with a host of statewide partners, offers unparalleled capabilities in the fields of remanufacturing, polymer processing, toxics reduction, resource conservation, environmental engineering, biofuels testing, environmental management systems, and green chemistry.

RIT's partners include Clarkson University, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), the University of Buffalo (UB) and the 10 statewide Research, Technology & Development Centers (RTDCs). The university partners offer wide variety of technical expertise and facilities. The RTDCs have a large base of business contacts and currently offer their clients a variety of services focused on improved efficiency.

10 Regional Technology Development Corporations (RTDC)

The Mission of P2I
P2I will provide a statewide, comprehensive and integrated program of technology research, development and diffusion, public outreach, training and education aimed at making New York State more sustainable for businesses, workers, the public, and the environment.

What can the P2I offer your organization?
On-site Assistance P2I provides on-site technical assistance for process evaluation, audit and improvement, pollution prevention strategies, and staff training. Additionally, P2I can assist your businesses with technology transfer and scale-up, including the identification of pollution prevention opportunities, development of process and product designs, and training on equipment and systems. Programs are customized to directly benefit a specific business.

State of the Art Testing Facilities RIT and its partners - Clarkson, RPI, UB - maintain 16 unique testbeds. Testbeds are a type of demonstration facility that allow for rigorous and replicable testing of technologies, theories, and tools. P2I testbed operations include surface cleaning, printing, electronics manufacturing, process intensification, green supply chain management, polymer processing, toxicology, and biofuels testing to name a few.

Research, Development & Diffusion R,D&D targets range from traditional industries such as printing, dry cleaning, and metal finishing to emerging areas such as nanotechnology and sustainable bio-based materials. The P2I research program focuses on pollution prevention technology as well as management practices. Projects address product and process design, evaluation of alternative materials, studies of supply chains, and green chemistry approaches.

Community Grants This program is available to not-for-profit organizations, institutions, and local governments in New York State. Grants will be used to fund community-based pollution prevention programs and may include research, education, outreach, implementation, and training.

For More Information
Visit NYS P2I's website if you would like to learn more about how their services can help your company.

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