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Title: Early results from genetic trials on the growth of Spanish cedar and its susceptibility to the shoot borer moth in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico.

Author: Ward, Sheila E.; Wightman,Kevyn E.; Rodriguez Santiago, Bartolo.

Date: 2008

Source: Forest Ecology and Management 255 :356–364.

Description: Cedrela odorata (Spanish cedar) is a neotropical broadleaf tree species that is in high demand for furniture and interior fittings. In 1998, seed collections were made from Spanish cedar in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, for genetic conservation and tree improvement projects. Progeny from these collections were established in genetic trials at Bacalar, Noh Bec, and Zoh Laguna in the Yucatan. Survival at 2 years was 73.5% at Bacalar, 72% at Noh Bec, but only 20% after 6 months for several replicates at Zoh Laguna. Mean 2-year height, number of years of Hypsipyla attack on apical shoots (over 2 or 3 years) and total branching over 2 years, were 1.3 m, 0.04 years, and 2.5 branches at Bacalar, and 1.9 m, 0.35 years, and 1.6 branches at Noh Bec. Selection of the three best provenances (Escárcega, Bacalar, and Calakmul) would result in an estimated crosssite gain of 8.6% in 2-year height.Within-provenance, cross-site heritabilities for 2-year height, shoot borer attack, and branching were 0.1 ± 0.02,0.0 ± 0.02, and 0.0 ± 0.02, respectively. Single-site heritabilities for height at 2 years, shoot borer attack, and branching were 0.09 ± 0.05, 0.02 ± 0.04, and 0.09 ± 0.05 at Bacalar and 0.16 ± 0.07, 0.0 ± 0.06, and 0.0 ± 0.07 at Noh Bec. Given the known advantage of rapid growth to avoid Hypsipyla damage over the long term and the stable performance of provenances across sites for growth traits, we recommend provenance selection over multiple trials to reduce the risk of serious damage by the insect. Good provenances and other suitable seed sources, as well as proper site selection and silvicultural practices, are important tools for increasing yields from plantations of C. odorata.

Keywords: Cedrela odorata, Hypsipyla grandella, Tree improvement, Heritability, Genetic gain, Tropical hardwoods

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Ward, Sheila E.; Wightman,Kevyn E.; Rodriguez Santiago, Bartolo.  2008.  Early results from genetic trials on the growth of Spanish cedar and its susceptibility to the shoot borer moth in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico..   Forest Ecology and Management 255 :356–364..

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 24, 2013

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