OSU Extension Service - Clackamas County header image

Kids. Communities. Environment.

Latest News

Study shows 4-H is good for kids
Which has more of a positive effect on youth - sports or 4-H? A Tufts University study found the answer!

Serving Clackamas County Residents Since 1917


Extension in the News--Kids. Communities. Environment

Visit our FAQ page to learn more about Extension! For the next year, we will be posting updates to this page about our special district funding and some of the priority projects that we are developing.


Focus on Extension

Read the latest issue of our bi-monthly publication, Focus on Extension, highlighting Extension programs in Clackamas County.


Search Extension programs nationwide

Can't find what you need? Visit eXtension for the most reliable information you'll find on the Internet brought to you by the nation's largest and oldest network of universities. Another national resource is e-answers, which helps you search for Extension information from other states.


Fall is the time to sign up for 4-H Clubs

Recruitment has begun for the 2008-09 4-H club year. If you know a young person in kindergarten through 12th grade, encourage them to look at what 4-H has to offer!

We are also in desperate need of leaders. Our volunteers lead and assist with clubs in a wide variety of areas. Contact us today to get involved!


200 Warner Milne Road, Oregon City OR  97045    

503-655-8631 (phone)    

503-655-8636 (fax)