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Homeland Security 5 Year Anniversary 2003 - 2008, One Team, One Mission Securing the Homeland

Community Outreach Training Resources

Based on feedback and input from the Arab, Muslim, Sikh, South Asian, and Middle Eastern American communities, the Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties created the training videos below to improve the cultural competency of DHS personnel. These videos are also useful for the American public to understand how DHS has created training products that equip DHS employees with a basic cultural knowledge to do their jobs better and further the DHS goals to protect America while preserving our freedoms. For hard copies of these videos, please contact civil.liberties@dhs.gov.

On Common Ground

On Common Ground This training DVD on Sikhism was created for law enforcement personnel by the Department of Justice's Community Relations Service in collaboration with the Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund (SALDEF).

Use of Race for Law Enforcement Officers

Guidance Regarding the Use of Race for Law Enforcement Officers This training on the DOJ racial profiling guidance was produced by the U.S. Secret Service and reiterates the Department of Homeland Security's commitment to race neutrality in law enforcement activities.

First Three to Five Seconds

The First Three to Five Seconds This training, produced by the Department of Justice's Community Relations Service, introduces law enforcement officers to basic principles of the Arab American and Muslim American cultures.

Religious and Cultural Needs

Posters on Common Muslim American Head Coverings, Common Sikh American Head Coverings, and the Sikh Kirpan These training posters provide guidance to DHS personnel on ways in which to screen, if needed, Muslim or Sikh individuals wearing various types of religious head coverings and Sikh individuals carrying a Kirpan (ceremonial religious dagger).

Asylum Seekers

Asylum Seekers Overview This new online and CD-ROM-based training provides DHS law enforcement personnel with essential information related to asylum seekers.

This page was last reviewed/modified on October 7, 2008.