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@willnorris you wrote "OpenID on @change_gov was "accidental", they're now using SAML for [...]" ...interesting
on the kick-off call for the ITU-T x.eaa Correspondence Group (working to harmonize x.eaa with the Liberty Identity Assurance Framework)
Enjoying RIA clients vs. web browser for several "web" applications, namely: twitter, facebook, gmail and wordpress... am I a heretic?
spending (too much) time in facebook and myspace (first time actually) I'm now officially more social in cyberspace than I am in meat space!
I figured out the cause for my routine Mac crashes. The Time Machine disk was corrupt. No crashes since replacing it. But why this bug... ?
Reviewing open source funding requests and working on 2009 budgets. It's great working for an organization that believes in and *funds* OSS
Enjoying Bill W's vacation story as we dig into VPI Use-Cases http://wiki.projectliberty....
feeling the love =Nat has shown to Liberty Alliance on the OIDF mailing list this morning. What a nice start to my day!
@factoryjoe As you may know, Wells Fargo is also a (leading edge) commercial IDP (
Working out of loud coffee shop for the rest of the day... in order to get some peace and quiet!
wondering if there is more to life than teleconferences and email
Just ended a great call with some developers about plans for integrating ID-WSF into VRM/VPI tools in 2009... now off to a staff meeting
wondering why my new MacBook keeps crashing, even after a clean erase and install a couple of weeks ago... hmmm
reading coverage of the various issues in Iraqi accord
planning for a Thanksgiving at home since Sandy and kids are too sick to travel to the usual gathering this year... I might actually cook!
the location of iTunes Music Folder is no longer bound to your choice of Library! When is Apple going to figure out this use case?!
if you are an iTunes user with a notebook computer, external drive, and a habit of switching libraries -- BEWARE -- check your path settings
@dewitt It seems odd that you cannot nominate anyone but yourself (
@windley I updated today without any trouble.
I'm about to download iPhone update 2.2... after 2.0 bricked my phone in Stockholm I'm always nervous about this.