Kevin Cheng’s Favorites

Andy Baio
waxpancake Spent the last ten minutes adding the undocumented "&showsearch=0" option to all my YouTube embeds to kill the ugly search bar.
Chris Charabaruk
coldacid Raptr's client app doesn't work for crap. I've just been playing Oblivion for the past couple hours and it says Mahjong? Srsly, wtf guys.
Jeremy Keith
Goon360 Wow, Raptr updated the minute I booted up the game. Most impressive
Will Sullivan
FurtiveSpy I've gotten rid of GamerDNA. Updates in the middle of the day make me sad that I'm not playing the games that it lists. Going with raptr now
Daniel Orta
djmayhem @gamingangel more people should totally sign up for raptr, dammit! there's too few people on so far (and the site is improving, slowly too!)
Kevin Cheng
k YesOn8 voters: your lives are unchanged but you crushed the hearts of many. If NoOn8 happened, your lives would have still been unchanged.
Kevin Cheng
k For all of you who thought Obama was a terrorist: don't move to Canada, eh?
Coley Wopperer
Coley Obama joy making the SF streets pulse. People yelling and hugging everywhere. Me? Happy, yet worried what I'm hearing re: Prop 8.
glenda Prepping for my electoral college drinking game: A shot of champagne for each blue state, and a shot of malt liquor for each red state.
blizzzz Yes.. asked @missjennyjenny to marry me.. and she said YES! :) things do feel a bit different now.. in a very good way!
Kevin Cheng
k Weather is much brighter today. Full of hope. You might say it's a nice CHANGE.
Coley Wopperer
Coley Sunny walk to Caltrain with @k just now. I think @accomplice was right; yesterday WAS the storm before the calm.
Andrei Zmievski
a New post on my blog: Raptr -
Richie Keith
CharmedPower the raptr site is pretty cool
joyce kim
julanrouge does anyone have old small flat panel monitors that they want to donate to my burmese refugee orphanage? i will come pick up in SF.
Coley Wopperer
Coley OH: That's a 'two-eye video.' Both eyes crying; not just one.


crystal rabble rayreadyray kellan Dunstan Krissy Bush Lars telene Konstantin Bob veen Chris Baum davegray Buzz Andersen danah boyd Rod Begbie seanbonner Kevin Fox Matt Jones Jay Goldman Chad Thornton Edward Ho Gordon om tedr Nick Douglas Niall Kennedy Andrew Crow peterme Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Blake Engel Brian Oberkirch Micah Alpern Gene Hillary Hartley
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