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@acatinatree yes, we've seen this issue on your ID 20 mins ago. Will try to get it fixed asap. Tnx for the heads up. Cheers
RT @tylergillies woohoo! poststacks in #peoplebrowsr are now draggable!!! #pbcheers #PBFacts
@LaTtEX happy that you're using PeopleBrowsr. Cheers!
@roncioso twitter ha modificato l'API, questa notte. PeopleBrowsr funziona :)
Re: [PeopleBrowsrAlphaTesters] Re: poststack movement: woohoo!!!! -- John Martin: Concrete Jungle now availabl..
Re: [PeopleBrowsrAlphaTesters] Re: showing groups: its a public group but not a popular public group. this is ..
Re: poststack movement: Tyler just uploaded 0.77 - this feature is now live - Thanks for the suggestion
@francamenteWeb c'e' stato un problema con le API questa notte. PeopleBrowsr funziona :)
@isdown is working :) Cheers
@KeesDijk Twitter changed their API today, bringing down most of the clients. Happy to have you on PeopleBrowsr. Cheers.
Re: showing groups: 1. Go to MyGroups 2. Open the MyGroups drop down 3. Click on any name from the list 'Peopl..
Re: [PeopleBrowsrAlphaTesters] Re: showing groups: so how do i open a poststack containing all the people of _..
Re: showing groups: There are 3 major kinds of groups in PeopleBrowsr 1. Your Private Groups - Created by you ..
showing groups: how do i get a poststack of all members of a public group? seems like i have to find and tag e..
@tylergillies @elisharlan invented #pbcheers (similar to #PBFacts), it's a short and nice PeopleBrowsr tag :) used to celebrate new features
@bck yes! It looks a little bit different now. We are still in Alpha, fine tuning and testing. Happy that you remember about it :) Cheers
@gisiger Twitter changed their API today - it has brought down most of the clients. We have managed to fix the issue on PeopleBrowsr.
@soloshotfirst Twitter changed their API today - it has brought down most of the clients. We have managed to fix the issue on PeopleBrowsr.
@Defred Il y a eu un souci d'API cette nuit.On vient de resoudre le meme probleme ici a' PeopleBrowsr (a' essayer pour Twitter!).Bye :)


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