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Winter. Cold hands. Gloves. But iPhone requires skin contact. Dumb pulling gloves on and off. Hmm. See for the solution!
Rarely have connectivity issues a/iPhone anymore. Yeah! Now just wish for 2xfaster CPU and some user experience design mods & enhancements.
Takeaway from dinner talk: "Don't be Rocky (Balboa)." Don't struggle so; don't make it so hard. _Be_ easy success.
Thank you @Technotheory for @AwayFind and freeing many from the tyranny of monitoring email. You're improving my life; am still adapting!
Mind Over Machines also does user experience design. Sure wish we could redesign our office phones. Unfriendly user interface & experience.
The updated Google iPhone app is very cool. Lift phone to ear, speak, remove, wait for results. Reminiscent of Kirk: "Computer! Tell me...."
Ad for car "hands free" dialing device: "Just push button, say the numbers and 'dial'." Uh, and memorize all your phone #'s! _FAIL_
Ack! Too busy Twittering. Forgot to stop at bank. (Yes, actual bank visit with real pieces of paper. People still do that?) Turning around.
@hollisthomases re: Biden aide takes Senate seat: reminds me of the joke about Einstein's chauffeur giving Einstein's talk one day.
Still thinking about the movie Slumdog Millionaire. Boston Globe is right: "Cancel whatever you're doing tonight and go see it."
@technotheory re: Le Web (Paris) @davetroy previously reported his intention to attend and is registered
iPhone email app just crashed at paragraph 4. All is lost. That's a lot of thumb typing. First time email app has crashed on me.
Voice commands to GPS not total panacea. Still need to glance repeatedly to be sure it's understanding. But better than tapping, sometimes.
In the hammock. 1 yr old son asleep on my chest. Both of us cocooned in a blanket. Listening to the wind.
Obama team plans nation's 1st CIO. And much incr'd role for IT to get things done. PRICELESS mktg for our industry, for the power of IT.
ToodleDo released a major upgrade to it's iPhone app. Supports GTD, Jott, Twitter, much more. Finding it delightful! THE iPhone task app.
Picking up an awesome group gift at Zyzyx (Pikesville) for the beloved, departing chair of our Vistage group. Great store; unique gifts!
Recall GPS was stolen. Slowly rebuilding std destinations's in new GPS as life takes me to my regular spots. GPS helpful for traffic rpts.
Attend Econ Alliance Tue eve in Balt. They'll show IT industry is region's economic power. Let me know if you need tix.


Ethan Giffin Dave Troy Miss Peter Michael Teitelbaum Greg Cangialosi Dave Troy mark steitz Jason Hardebeck Mary Hartney kevlanc toodledo Jared Goralnick bdarmody jasonpappas Blue Sky Factory Mike Cohn Hollis Thomases andyrosen jengunner Yair Flicker pcooley Will Cleaver Hillel Glazer cpierpoint Planehook gbtc cpgiordano bradwills joenatoli srudow AnnabethS clove43363 aleciaf Stephanie Thomas ArtJacoby