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@Slopes well congrats to your brother, me not being a big drinker i was always the one who ended up taking care of everyone else.
night @Slopes
i've realized that my imagination is not as vivid/wild as i once thought it was.
Anyways, yeah. Nothing accomplished today. New neighbors though, don't know how I feel about that.
Avatar really makes me baw sometimes.
alright, i'm concerned at how my vista install is taking up 50 gigs.
@Kogenre and that's what i'm here for!
@Kogenre dare you say, delicious. haha
does the update tab for anyone else stay 0 until they actually update?
@WiredPig yeah in the hospital i got over most of my needle phobia but still kinda squeamish around them.
@WiredPig I don't get flu shots, I've heard things, and I don't like shots. I only get sick once a year mostly but i'd be nice to stop it.
@WiredPig does it actually work, do you know?
when are they going to release the apparent flu vaccine that you sniff up your nose?
ok, maybe in a little bit. i suddenly became very lazy.
about to take a walk in a little bit, get back on the ball and maybe be able to fit into a medium again :(
wasn't had been done yet already, coding sake? i think that's what gets me the worst is that there's 10 ways to do the same thing.
people are so delusional sometimes, it makes me worry for future generations sake.
3pm. And nothing accomplished.
@Slopes the service you say? ;) i just started walking again since the weather is being so spastic, i need to learn to push myself more.
@battboy aw but i wannnnaaa ;) i've never really been a huge one on fashion, but lately i have about 4 t-shirts i wear in a cycle.


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