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@caseorganic yup still here - swing past here if u wish and i'll drag y'all downtown; can even fetch bram too given rain etc. anselm = taxi
@brampitoyo i can give you a ride downtown - i am still uptown - heading down once i get the fremont hardware back up
if only my chair would stay down too
@trisimon yeah i am trying to figure out why the makerlab site and most of my universe is down today - something with my freemont colo. arg.
@wardcunningham 's presentation made me realize how much signal can leak from one domain to another - from light, waves, patterns, sound
as well as braile pornography <- @wmleler
fail stickers for fun and profit -> this is the intellectual reward of the @reidab and amy show
@skinny the cops are messing with santacon eh? that'll sounds completely dorkerific; what is up? i expect pictures and appropriate mockery
watching the @reidab and amy show on #cyborgcamp
#cyborgcamp - "you guys are getting really loud" "it's because we are having to yell over the robot".
hanging with tristanoplex 2000 for now then @cyborgcamp ... planning my january trip to patagonia meanwhile ...
#bacon is a medium rarely well done
@brampitoyo maybe one of paiges friends can demo a theremin on short notice; hmm, now i wonder if there is an iphone theremin offhand
made pancakes for tristan - now deciding if i should wake up or not
@mikeliebhold we expect a full report from your visit to earthmine. will you be at SRI tuesday by chance incidentally?
oh look at that, apple finally approved my developer status. maybe i will actually invent new ideas for them now.


Biz Stone Evan Williams rabble kellan Rael Dornfest Jerry Michalski danah boyd Mary Hodder Xeni Jardin May Woo Ross Al Chang Joshua Kinberg Dave McClure Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Paul Terry Walhus J Chris Anderson Surj Patel Shelly Farnham Di-Ann Eisnor Michael Buffington Dhrumil Jason Calacanis Aaron Huslage joshua schachter Rich Gibson Mike Merrill Caterina brady forrest Julia A. Case Neil Drumm Bill Burcham Rodrigo Guaiquil Nelson Minar Allison
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