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@eldiablito_72 Every meal's a banquet! Every paycheck a fortune!!!
@missarrie Too cool. I keep getting a fraking science vessel.
Ambien cloaks the mind with blissful ignorance, and Morpheus wins the day. Oh temporary oblivion, take me hence. G'night, y'all.
@itsthebatman Gee, thanks. What have I done that's so heroic?
Thank you, everyone.
@yddy I love that song. And the H you rode in on!
Thanks, Kerokapala.
It is done. My mom passed at !2:50 today. Thank you all for your love and support.
@amazingamanda If having a butt or two is his worst sin, I'll gladly trade that for two wars. ;-)
@shc1970 The add-ons are actually really cool, but it works fine without them, too.
@shc1970 Do it. I was an IE holdout until this year, and now that I've switched to Firefox I wonder what took me so long.
All right, all right! I'll get ready for work, dammit!!
Not that this has anything to do with anything other than being unwillingly awake and grumpy
Just once I'd like to hear the director of a new Star Trek movie say 'I've been a fan all my life, have all the toys, and know every episode
Good night, sweet twitts, and may flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.
@eldiablito_72 Thanks, I needed an LOL moment. :-)
@weathereye You know that as soon as CDs vanish someone will claim they sound better than downloads,then they'll be hip vinyl is


Amanda Congdon Roberto Goodyear Richard Smith John Speirs thinkgeek lintondavies mekster Tom Cohn Andrew Dickerson Jonny Higham Heather celestialteapot Alice Graham Greyson Smith kumarhk TBPAC robert13251325 eldiablito_72 Kwamz lebowski74 Sissillie Lee Bozier-Lown itsthebatman misswallison SimplyLIVE swredman Yohan Mindy Kinnaman weathereye Sara Morgan Curtis91 Omar Gutierrez ToxicDeath sumarimike Scott Copperman Chaka