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surprise sambal delivery from singapore. thanks Shane!
twitter feature request: 7 day trial follow. during that week i don't show up on follow list so if i leave, qwitter addicts not offended.
@gibby i'll take a look at RTM. need to see what it syncs with and what clients there are for it. it's tough in my new phone every wk world
type "blackberry #1" and all i got was "cry". the storm makes me weep. yes, literally.
@gibby cuz if 37S gave tadalist too many features they couldn't upsell you to backpack or whatever. I'm looking for a good todo solution too
Trying the new ellioyt bay cafe with the team. Every one of us is wearing a black jacket. We ran up around the back. We began to attack.
hey mobians, are enough of us around for a spontaneous lunch-up downtown somewhere? #mobius
gift idea - survival strap: 20 ft of useful cord disguised as a nautical bracelet.
from now until xmas, i'll be posting awesome gift ideas i find on twitter. most will be under $40, consider it bold swaths reborn
my weekend could be summed up as follows: lift drink sleep TRANSPORTER 3 OMFG where is jason statham's shirt. who cares! sleep. lift. eat.
@johnstarky it's not really a "trip" when you can drive home in 30 minutes. :-p
thanks twitter! i'm all hooked up. twitter verse FTW
hey @phonescooper if you have an extra boxee invite, i could use one of those many you got today. i want to boxee up my imac
@glenda holy crap that fight is on? gah. must find a sports bar now. that's a crazy yay area death match. hometown boy vs pinoy.
i hang onto very little old technology. i must not be the geek some people think i am. i have no attachment to past devices.
@hobronto and now you are merely mortal. well at least used to is progress from where you started, right?
@Gartenberg holy moly that's a lot. i do 1 laptop, 1 phone, camera, ipod touch. that's it. ever. for vacations i leave the laptop home.
@johnstarky i have the entire catalog of helio phones for you. all 5.
@karllong most my followers know. i work for HTC.


Jeremy Evan Williams Jason Cosper seanbonner Xeni Jardin tedr Nick Douglas Niall Kennedy Mr Messina Jonathan Greene Chris Stout JD Raffy Scott Beale President Monteiro palmsolo Jackson West Jason Calacanis Cameron Walters lane Glenda Kingsley Joseph Thor Muller brady forrest Mike Rowehl Mark Frauenfelder Veronica Belmont fake mat honan Kevin Cheng Beth Jonhenry Righter MJ Tantek Çelik Dennis Yang SMITH Magazine Nicole Lee
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