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“It’s laissez-faire until you get in deep shit." -Former Salomon Brothers CEO John Gutfreund, quoted by Michael Lewis in ...
Three years old, but one of the best tip sheets I have seen on how to moderate comment sections productively.
Those familiar with the "unbundling" image for media change will find a similar idea at work in Robert D. Kaplan on Mumbai
New way to avoid saying, "Republicans haven't been reality-based. " There's a "tendency toward hubris and unrealpolitik."
Mindy McAdams, "Twitter, Mumbai, and 10 facts about journalism now." What's changing for journalists covering live events.
Wowzer: 3,000 + followers. Way more than I expected when I started this thing. Could you crowd together so we can get you all in the frame?
@dankennedy_nu Only if you want truly to understand how far from reality-based the conservative movement remains should you read further :-)
Nate Silver is pretty sure Chris Matthews of MSNBC is going to run for Arlen Specter's Senate seat in 2010
@rongillmore Reagan's "My heart and best intentions tells me it's not true, but the facts and evidence tell me otherwise" was reality-based
Amy Gahran, "Responsible Tweeting: Mumbai Provides Teachable Moment." Twitterers can teach reporters and vice versa.
Conservative blogger says he's unable to grasp how Obama became president. "It contradicts everything I know." That's how!
How fringe am I? Well, in my view reality-based Republicans and honest conservatives should lead the ostracizing of Bush's aides as enablers
Third stream to add to @Om's two: Reporters grab an insta-network of Mumbai Twitterers, filter best stuff into round-ups.
@ZachTumin Long before Twitter existed, CNN had its news readers who knew essentially no more than viewers did relaying the latest chatter.
I know I am an extremist. Quite on the fringe. I want everyone who worked for Bush and shilled for Bush to be shunned by legitimate society.
Tim O'Reilly on why needs revision history like Wikipedia has.
Wall Street Journal does the Mumbai-on-Twitter story without all the "is this journalism?" hysteria.
I recognize the importance of both, but I find the protests in Thailand a more gripping story than Mumbai People politics.
@ryansholin The disruptions continue. "Is that journalism?" goes on. The portion of the tribe not involved in the disruptions gets smaller.
On the mark is Om Malik's "With Twitter, a Desperate Need for Context." How Twitter works (and doesn't) during big events.


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