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Oh maaaaan, I didn't just tweet to my boyfriend who is sitting downstairs. *facepalm*
@iAmGoldenboy Also known as the law of a set price. The lower you set that price the more changes the client will request.
Following @ICEHOTEL_Sweden Sweden, because dangit, I need to SEE SNOW and this stupid southern winter is not doing it for me.
@purplesime Duke? That's very "keep calm and carry on" era isn't it?
@purplesime wonder if a guy can kick himself in the nuts. I've trained my cat to jump on the junk of any guy he doesn't like. BF hates cat
@leighhouse amen to that. If i commuted with an ipod, I think it would be different, tune in on bus or car, but at home? argh. no.
I fully expect a flame war to erupt here.
@juhasaarinen Depends on what you are going to use the chainsaw for. I prefer four-stroke as two-stroke wears out faster when cutting lots.
@texturl Oh crap, that means I've stayed up one timezone too many.
@luckthelady Fish drinking vodka is exactly how fermented herring gets made. You'll like it here! ;P
@girlmonkey I remember that day well. Keep a camera ready at all times,s/he won't stop smiling or licking their teeth for a week straight.
@iAmGoldenboy What's a hot looking guy like you do doing in a place like this hmmm?
@onetake OMG that's hilarious, please send me the link to that TOS I want to film that effect.
@luckthelady haha! You might want to miss it, dead expensive and all we ever eat is fermented herring. Gross. That's why we invented vodka.
After dinner, delish oven baked olive oil & pepper carrots later I feel so much better. Whomever thought that up deserves an award, its yum.
@luckthelady Paris is two hours or so flight that-a-way *points*. Sweden is that giant country in the north of europe the size of California
@luckthelady If only I could feed my kids gratitude and cuddles I'd be set. ;P
All my clients seem to be co-conspirators in the "lets withhold paying our freelancers" today. Every single one! Signs of economic bummer.
@morpac Jag har den inte (tror jag). Vet inte var den finns. Hinner inte leta tyvärr.
@luckthelady Sorry, didn't mean to be cranky but today has been a sucky day with clients not paying, and the sever bill thing is not a joke.


Dug Falby Peter Lindberg Annelogue russell Will Humphrey Chris Mear Jeffrey Zeldman gareth Jack Cheng Henrik Brameus TheDonF dodgygeezer taz Amy Hoy Todd Defren James Holloway Mikkel Marius Steve Rubel Loic Le Meur Andrew Huff Nanok Bie Marco John Ralston Specklet J. J. Thomas Romlov Josh Spear™ Adland jane g Damiano Vukotic Adam Crowe David Burn Tom Biro Chris Thilk Brandon Tommie Nordholm
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