Jason Cosper’s Favorites

rstevens If this copy of Photoshop were any more legal it would be an 18-year-old girl with diplomatic immunity.
rstevens Rachael Ray's Famous Antipasto Recipe: First, capture and finely chop one Rachael Ray...
JetBlue Airways
JetBlue @xenijardin no 30% surcharge for furries, but if in costume, they must be able to fit in a pet carrier under the seat!
hotdogsladies For someone who doesn't despise women, I sure own a lot of American Apparel stuff.
tv I am inherently hostile to any business plan built on advertising.
hotdogsladies Yelp is LiveJournal for depressed people with credit cards.
hotdogsladies I'm 41, I know there's cash in my account, and I still worry if my ATM card will work. If you've been poor once, you're kinda poor forever.
Matt Haughey
mathowie Dear Neighbor: with 100% of precincts now reporting, I think it's safe to say it's time to remove your Kerry/Edwards bumper sticker.
Jeremy Kitchen
kitchen OH: that's like ordering a sandwich and not finding a hair in it but a whole wig
tv OH: "I'm dead serious about ZombieCamp."
Lore Sjöberg
loresjoberg @anildash Yo mama so fat, polls are weighted 1% Democrat, 1% Republican, and 98% yo mama.
FakeSarahPalin Barack Obama is so out of touch. All the energy went out of alternative when cobain died.
modemgirl I'm afraid the commercials for this movie w/meg ryan, debra messing, bette midler and annette bening are going to make me start my period.
modemgirl OH: No, I don't have a boner. But yes, I do want to fuck that M&M.
hotdogsladies Apparently, I'm about to install Linux so I can download data about my sleep cycle from a very large watch. When did I become Cory Doctorow?
modemgirl Is that a roll of quarters in my pocket, or am I just happy to see you? Surprise! It's quarters because I'm doing laundry. Also, a boner.
modemgirl I didn't do any laundry last night. Because of that, I have been forced to cross dress today. I hope nobody notices my mantyline.
hotdogsladies Weird how people who insist you "stole" "their" "idea" never remark on how you didn't "steal" their cock-assed lack of execution and style.
dakami OH: what do they judge in a dog show? Oh! A ton of stuff. You should see the swimsuit competition. Its crazy what they have to wax.
Scott Beale
laughingsquid rumor has it that lines are already starting to form for the SXSW 2009 parties


seanbonner Xeni Jardin Mr Messina michael lambie Scott Beale the daniel Jaime Macias eric L Joe Crawford Mark Frauenfelder Andre Torrez Tantek Çelik greg cohn cody simms Leonard Mickipedia frazier Andy Baio Jason Carlin Kent Danny Jeremy Kitchen andy sternberg Dougie FRESH Dallas Crystal Williams Tv Mike Macadaan Eric Hammond Lan Bui rstevens Dave Bullock Jory Felice Ori hotdogsladies Woody Pewitt
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