Remember Our Military

With the holidays approaching it is important that we keep in mind the soldiers who are away from their families while fighting for America.

In December 2007, with the support of Pitney-Bowes, the Red Cross’s Service to the Armed Forces staff and volunteers screened, transported, and delivered over 600,000 pieces of mail to our service men and women.

Due to the overwhelming success of the program, the American Red Cross and Pitney–Bowes are partnering again this year with the goal of collecting and distributing one million holiday greeting cards from the American public. This year, cards will not only go to wounded warriors but to all service members, their families, and veterans, in communities around the world.

Please join me in sending our troops a holiday message by clicking here.

NCAA Division II Football Playoff Quarterfinals -Highest combined scoring game in NCAA history
Abilene Christian University
West Texas A&M

Rep. Ted Poe boarding Blackhawk Helicopter in Afghanistan
Rep. Poe speaks with a group of Georgians about Russian invasion

November 21, 2008
Christmas Cards for our Troops
Washington - WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Ted Poe will be collecting Christmas cards to distribute to our American service men and women who are bravely serving our country. Congressman Poe strongly encourages individuals and community groups to participate and show their support. Constituents are encouraged to drop off cards addressed to “Dear Service Member” to one of Congressman Poe’s District Office located in Humble or Beaumont.
- Full Release -
November 18, 2008
Irish Newspaper Suggests Congressman Ted Poe Should Be Minister of Finance For Ireland
If Ted Poe of Texas were Ireland's Minister for Finance, then Irish people might have more confidence in the Government's massive guarantee for Irish bankers. As Brian Cowen and Brian Lenihan last week bet the family silver -- and much more besides -- on a shaky financial future, Congressman Ted Poe caught the public mood on both sides of the Atlantic. Poe told the US House of Representatives on Monday, "Small businesses, mom and pop grocery stores, don't get this break. When they make bad financial decisions, they go out of business. But the rich and famous Wall Street New York City fat cats expect Joe Six-Pack to buck it up and pay for all this nonsense." - Full Release -

November 17, 2008
Madam Speaker, it seems that some in Congress are trying to call back the speech police and reinstate the Fairness Doctrine again. Although the Fairness Doctrine was abolished over 20 years ago, some of our colleagues just can't let it go. This time they want to police and control the radio airwaves. I'm not talking about the former Soviet Union that controlled what Russians listened to on the radio, I'm talking about the American speech police. - Full Release -

November 14, 2008
Requests for 2009 Inauguration tickets are no longer being accepted
.Over the course of the last several weeks, my office has received over 7,000 requests for tickets to the Presidential Inauguration. Unfortunately, my office only receives a few hundred tickets to distribute, and therefore can not accept any more requests. However, if you are still planning to come to Washington, D.C., my office will be happy to assist you with any tour information and questions you may have. - Full Release -

October 27, 2008
Rep. Ted Poe and Rep. Nancy Boyda Lead Bipartisan Request
WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Ted Poe (R-TX-02) and Congresswoman Nancy Boyda (D-KS-02) led a bipartisan request to Attorney General Michael Mukasey to conduct an appropriate and thorough investigation into any and all financial institutions, corporations, and individuals that are suspect of criminal action relating to our current economic crisis. The bipartisan letter conveys concerns being expressed across the country from constituents about their retirement accounts, their savings, and how they can afford to send their kids to college. Since these taxpayers are forced to take a stake in the financial institutions that our government has chosen to assist, they have valid questions, and they deserve honest answers. - Full Release -

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