Council On Local Mandates | Home
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Books The Council on Local Mandates, which is independent of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of State government, was created pursuant to the "State Mandate, State Pay" amendment to the New Jersey Constitution, approved by voters in November 1995, and an enabling statute, the Council Statute, that became effective in May 1996.

The Council has the exclusive constitutional authority to rule that a State law, rule, or regulation imposes an unconstitutional "unfunded mandate" on boards of education, counties, or municipalities. Under the Constitution, if the Council so rules, the "unfunded mandate" in the law, rule or regulation ceases to be mandatory in effect and "expires."

To learn more about the Council and its activities, please consult the information provided under General Background.

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Reference & Contact
Blue Arrow How to File a Complaint
Blue Arrow Forms to use for filing
Blue Arrow About This Site
Blue Arrow Address & Telephone
Blue Arrow Access to Records
Blue Arrow Hearing and Ruling - Complaints filed by the Mayors of Shiloh Borough and the Borough of Rocky Hill, and by Southampton Township, Deerfield Township, Shamong Township, Upper Deerfield Township, and Buena Vista Township (regarding State Police Rural Patrol Services).
Blue Arrow Complaint filed by the Township of Medford (regarding amendments to the Fair Housing Act and COAH Third Round Regulations)