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I suck at replying to @/d's, @imownbey: moved into new house in Toledo a year ago, just now getting furniture; @_evan: Samsung LN46A650
The pictures accompanying many Wikipedia articles of chinese food dishes look absolutely horrible
Wow, Dell PowerEdge 2970 with dual quad core 1.7GHz Opterons, 8GB of memory for... $1,227
"I'll just update my iPhone to 2.2 real quick before I head out..." WRONG
@defunkt: Figures you would've already blogged about it... thanks!
@defunkt: IIRC you said you farmed out e-mail sending for FamSpam... 1.) Which service did you use and, 2.) Would you recommend it?
Huge MySQL performance increase on one of my big apps from increasing table_cache to 2048 from the default(?) 64
Watching The Secret Life of Machines series
Wondering if there are any truly "open" source "Web 2.0" apps? That provide source and accept patches... hmmm
Holy crap, I'm in my living room for the first time in a year
Furniture is here... living room looks so small now, but much more fun
It's so... beautiful :tear: even if it is just showing snow
Oh snaps, Ceva truck just pulled up
Hmm, the 10-2 delivery window is shrinking... :\
TV and furniture delivery tomorrow, hooray!
Don't think monoprice HDMI cables will arrive before TV and cable box, Best Buy may win again
Staying home today to catch up on housekeeping things and support tickets
Tonight's Family Guy is rather funny... liked the 9 minute Snooze button gag
Back in TOL


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