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tweaking powerpoints for DC trip tomorrow AM
@knitgrrl: sorry, here's URL to suggest Suxorz panelist:
@knitgrrl: Great! Nominate yourself to be Suxorz panelist here:
violin lesson: bach concerto #1.
ok, now officially seeking the fourth Suxorz panelist:
working on fourth Suxorz panelist for SXSW... going to crowdsource the selection.
astonished by new jobless claims, the real bleeding edge of economic statistics. these are among the worst we've seen in 50 years.
NYT under $1 billion. Maybe we look under the cushions and scrape together the cash for a bid.
watching a young man become a cold calling machine. bravo!
final bailout idea: write each American $100k check with "good luck!" in the memo line. (explains why gold finally up as market craters?)
@ruby noted weird skew of #is08 while sitting on stage looking at audience 50/50 versus panel 100% white males 30-50.
heading to #is08 to do 9.30 panel. amazing to drive 10 minutes to world class gathering http://www.internetsummitev...
heading home after a day of juggling -- most balls landed on my feetz.
just added Motrin video to SXSW Suxorz group on Facebook: . great fodder.
metlife, hartford prudential in freefall, down 15-25%. no news on the wires. crisis 3.0?
@gmdclark the age of the untra...? you've got me on the edge of my folding chair!
heard someone on NPR say "quantum of soulass" (like molasses) rather than "sollass" (as with doll.) how do you say solace?
@ steveouting no, newspapers don't have six months. cashflow is king and banks don't want newspaper risk. hence NYT down 2-4% a day.
@otravers... lol. yes, i've been bearish since '04, but only short since '06, so not doing that badly.
my take on denton's -40% hysteria? he's right. more graphs here


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