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Headed to pick up one set of 'rents. Let the holiday festivities begin.
And, now our fast internet has gone out... because of the rain?
The heavy rains and wind in Cambridge seem to be having an effect on the quality of my VOIP phone connection this morning.
Have stuff to do, deadlines to meet even, but just feel like turning off my computer and being done. And so that is what I am going to do.
I mean - if I buy a GM car, will my handicap go down? If I buy a GM car, will I qualify for the Masters (or, gasp! win it)?
Tiger Woods is no longer the spokesperson for GM. I am a big Tiger fan, but I have never understood how he helped to sell cars.
I am on a conference call, followed by another conference call, a conference call, and then two more conference calls.
@RocchiJulia I have never seen it before with CVS, but I know other groups do it. Add on to a purchase, not a round up.
I have learned more and gotten more ideas for projects in a five minute walk outside than all morning sitting online in office.
Starbucks has a sign up inviting customers to play a role in their own good experience. Personalized to store. Nice.
Just checked out at CVS and credit card machine gave me option to donate to St. Jude. Pretty cool.
I am going to run an errand and get a snack... change begins with me.
Ack! Just saw a video blog interview of myself - I look terrible (tired, sickly). I need to get on track, feel better, find energy, focus.
Presser done. Economy already on the mend.
Finally, listening and watching the President-Elect.
Logged on to to watch the presser -- waiting for the Britney Spears/GMA ad to end. Is there a big crossover audience?
Was trying to watch on (because @brianstelter said at least they had audio) and getting a 404 error. Bummer.
Was trying to watch the Obama press conference on but the sound isn't working. Really wish I had cable in the office.
I am not motivated.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams danah boyd Scott Beale Clay Johnson Dave Winer Jason Calacanis jyo Nancy Scola Brian Del Vecchio Josh Hallett Ruby Sinreich nicco mele Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan Adam Weiss Bill Palmer Beth Kanter Eric Olson Doug Haslam Jim Long marianne richmond Brian Solis Ian Forrester Justin Abbott  C.C. Chapman  Chris Heuer Robert Scoble Marc Orchant giovanni Starbucks Coffee Anil Dash dotBen jimbo wales Hugh MacLeod
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