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is very excited about what @meyerweb is talking about.
has achieved inbox 0 for the first time in months while listening to Kelly making plans for Turkey Day with @jenseninman.
is donning his blue beanie.
is in Greenlife, hunting down those who made an attempt on @jenseninman's life.
just put in an offer on a house and is crossing his fingers.
is glad @jenseninman is okay. (Sneaky Greenlife.)
may have lost weeks of work on his Fable 2 character to a corrupted file. And no, he didn't do something silly like power off during a save.
just finished getting a new MacBook rigged up with our standard software set... bring on the intern.
wafts some clean mountain air in @msjen's direction.
wonders when Apple will get around to updating the Mac Mini.
is filling his tank with $1.98 gas. Baffling.
is happy to be (almost) home.
is sitting in yet another airport, thankfully only Charlotte stands between him and being home this afternoon.
was delightfully surprised by the quality of his dinner at 5 Spices. Bubble Tea FTW!!!1!!
just wrapped the fourth and final day of training and managed to keep his voice despite having a cold.
OH: The Club is especially pleased to announce that Sir Sean Connery will be hosting the evenings of December 29 and April 6. With popcorn!
is always baffled (and disgusted) by the number of men who leave the toilet without washing their hands.
is starting to lose his voice, hopes it holds out through the end of the day tomorrow.
is sitting down to the start of four days of web standards training... it's good to be teaching again.
meant FLL not FLT (he can never remember airport codes).


Biz Stone Tony Stubblebine Evan Williams Dunstan veen Scott Fegette Andrew Crow Mr Messina Thomas Vander Wal Kevin Lawver lane Dan Cederholm Lisa McMillan Molly E. Holzschlag Steve Ganz Daniel Morrison Larry Lachlan Hardy Keith Kevin Cheng lisa Jeremy Keith Tantek Çelik Hickensian Richard Rutter Patrick Haney Stephanie Norm! Drew McLellan Michael Hessling Derek Featherstone Simon Willison Beep. luxuryluke Snook Scott Gledhill
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