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@davidd I know! Why am I "the craic"?
Typeface porn: Yum. (Madawaska, available at MyFonts.)
The Google Reader redesign lacks an appreciation for order, balance, readability, typography. Little tweaks would make a big improvement.
FYI, Rory is the kind of guy that posts helicopter haircuts on his blog, so it's quite the compliment:
"The average web site is pedestrian and dull. It’s a damn shame. We need more Contrasts" Not mine but the words of Rory:
@garrettdimon Congrats, Garrett! It's a great app which I look forward to using again soon.
Just updated the site with a little, Christmassy touch: Now back to work...
@SabrinaDent You need: a) a Mac and b) Keynote.
Finishing-up a long, long day. Lot's done, more to do. Looking forward to sending the Contrast Christmas party invites in the morning.
Context is the future of advertising. I love this clever little ad on Wired:
It’s Not How Good You Are, It’s How Good You Want to Be:
@NiaLLLarkin Yep. Going to get an iPhone 3G to celebrate.
Going to get EVERYTHING done today. #wishfulthinking
Searching for the Contrast yellow:
"If your UI even vaguely resembles an airplane cockpit, you’re doing it wrong" — @gruber. Except when your UI is an airplane cockpit...
@maxvoltar I fucking hate you. 24ways is without a doubt one of the most beautiful, awe-inspiring designs I've seen in a long time.
@cormacmoylan Sounds like a plan, but I can't wait that long. Going to turn the heating up for now.
It's officially fucking freezing in Dublin.


Biz Stone noah veen Jon Larkowski Jim Remsik Jeremy Hubert Jason Calacanis Dan Cederholm Pat James Corbett Zadi Diaz Geoffrey Grosenbach Pat Chris Nagele Jeremy Keith Michael Koziarski Emmet Connolly Tantek Çelik Hickensian Dave Jeffery Drew McLellan Garrett Dimon Veerle Pieters Paul Boag Avi Bryant Walter Higgins Ryan Carson Alex Payne Anthony Jeff Croft Greg Storey John Gruber Cameron Moll Malarkey takete Abie
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