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now bedtime..... alarm set for 5.45 am
new blog post.... my favourite two
new blog post....exceptional cakes
wow andrew has a driving lesson tomorrow.... at long last :-)
@cloudgazer well done.....time for my run now :-)
no red beans in cupboard for my chilli....... baked beans are just not the same
makes me feel very lonely :-(
how i hate coming home to an empty house... :-(
@athinkingman no breakfast or cheap kippers... :-(
a new cake recipe to try for week-end..... Geoff makes a good guinea pig :-)
@athinkingman how can anyone enjoy working at tesco
Why does lunch break go so quick and work so slow
Heavy rain and winds today . . . . Horrid
home safe and feeling great but was very icy in places......
ok total madness but off for my run hoping roads not too icy :-)
just waiting for second massage client of the day :-)
@GeoffJones fantastic news grandad :-)
@athinkingman another reason for mine to leave home then..although i have a feeling it will be along time till they do
@athinkingman never known a man to shop so much as you...
@athinkingman wish i had room for a ski maching or exercise bike at home........


Geoff Ellee Michael Traynor Anne Yomper Lady Banana Colin Campbell Laura James nickindubai jmb1 NarcissistXcore LadyMacleod emjo FelicityR helenblades Relucs quiet badger acetuk BoniSones Quentin Stafford-Fra pandammonium JeremyJacobs legrosfranck athinkingman Beaman The Morningstar CherryPie_ cloudgazer scholarsway