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Administration Oversight

Congress has a responsibility under the Constitution to conduct oversight of the executive branch. The Committee on Government Reform has the specific responsibility to oversee whether laws and programs are being implemented and carried out in accordance with the intent of Congress and whether they should be continued, curtailed, or eliminated; the application, administration, execution, and effectiveness of laws and programs; and the organization and operation of federal agencies and entities having responsibilities for the administration and execution of laws and programs. As set forth in House Rule X, clause 4, the Committee also may, at any time, conduct investigations of any matter regardless of whether another standing committee has jurisdiction over the matter.

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Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Rep. Waxman Requests Information on Former VA Secretary's Relationship with Major Contractor

In a letter to the VA, Rep. Waxman asks Secretary Nicholson to describe the communications between former Secretary Anthony Principi and QTC Management Inc., where he is now chairman of the board. QTC has over $1 billion in contracts with the Department.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

New Questions Raised About White House Role in Leaking Classified Iraq Intelligence

In a letter to President Bush, Rep. Waxman asks for a full accounting of the President's and Vice President's actions in authorizing leaks of classified intelligence about Iraq, while at the same time concealing the President's knowledge of serious doubts about Iraq's pursuit of nuclear weapons.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Committee Approves Bill to End Secret Contacts between Lobbyists and Executive Branch Officials

The best and worst of Congress were on display today in the Government Reform Committee, as the Committee unanimously approved a bipartisan bill containing landmark reforms of the executive branch on the same day that it also approved legislation containing the sham reforms of Congress written by the Republican leadership. The executive branch bill (H.R. 5112) would end secret meetings between lobbyists and political appointees, close the revolving door between lobbyists and government, enact new protections for national security whistleblowers, curb unnecessary secrecy and over-classification, and prohibit covert propaganda.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Inspector General Finds Convicted Official Influenced Award of ESSI Contract

Rep. Waxman renews his request for information about the award of a no-bid defense contract to Engineered Support Systems, Inc., a company closely affiliated with President Bush's uncle, citing a new IG report that finds Darleen Druyun improperly influenced the contract award.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

FERC Chairman's Response Fails to Address Central Questions

Rep. Waxman writes FERC Chairman Kelliher that his response to Rep. Waxman's March 27 letter neglects to address key questions about the motivations behind the favorable settlement for Southern Company and the communications between the FERC chief of staff and the company.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Rep. Waxman Announces Resolution Seeking Investigation of Signing of the Reconciliation Act

Rep. Waxman and other committee members announce they will introduce H. Res. 752, a Resolution of Inquiry directing the President to submit to Congress all documents relating to the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005, which the President signed on February 8.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Questions Raised About Sweetheart Deal at Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Rep. Waxman asks why FERC Chairman Kelliher and his chief of staff bypassed the career staff handling the case and intervened to reach an unusually favorable settlement with the politically well-connected Southern Company.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Democratic Leader Pelosi and Rep. Waxman Question President on Signing Budget Bill

Democratic Leader Pelosi and Rep. Waxman write to the President requesting clarification on his knowledge that the budget bill he signed on February 8, 2006 was different from the bill that passed the U.S. House of Representatives.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Presidential, Vice Presidential Political Travel Cost Taxpayers Millions

Rep. Waxman releases a new minority staff report that shows that taxpayers pay over 95% of the cost of flights by the President and Vice President for campaign-related events. Using figures from 2002, the last time the President and Vice President traveled on behalf of others in a nonpresidential election cycle, the report projects that taxpayers will spend over $7 million in 2006 on presidential and vice presidential political flights.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

President May Have Known of Constitutional Defect Before Bill Signing

Rep. Waxman asks the White House to respond to information that the Speaker of the House called President Bush to alert him that the version of the Reconciliation Act he was about to sign differed from the version that passed the U.S. House of Representatives. Rep. Waxman writes: “If the President signed the Reconciliation Act knowing its constitutional infirmity, he would in effect be placing himself above the Constitution.”

Thursday, March 09, 2006

New Documents Show FDA Mischaracterized Its Review of PlanB

Documents obtained by Rep. Waxman undercut FDA’s claim that the Plan B application raised “novel” issues requiring extended additional analysis.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Legal Scholars Agree: Budget Bill Did Not Pass Both Houses and Is Not Valid Law

Several constitutional law experts contend that the budget bill the President signed on February 8, 2006, is "not constitutionally permissible" and "is not law." In a letter to the Democratic Leader, Rep. Waxman includes expert analyses he has gathered about the bill, which did not pass the House and Senate in identical form and therefore violates the Bicameral Clause of the U.S. Constitution.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Rep. Waxman and Chairman Davis Request Information on Postal Service Performance

In a letter to the Postmaster General, Rep. Waxman and Chairman Davis request information about service and delivery performance in advance of a scheduled February 16, 2006, hearing on the Postal Service.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Rep. Waxman and Sen. Kerry Question Administration's Emissions Claims

In a letter, Rep. Waxman and Sen. Kerry ask Dr. Paula Dobriansky to explain why, as head of the U.S. delegation to the UN Conference on Climate Change, she stated that U.S. emissions of greenhouse gases had fallen, when in fact they have risen by 3.5% during the Bush Administration.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Dem. Leaders Call Drug Bill Result of “Corrupt Legislative Process,” Seek Investigation into Role of Tainted Lobbying Group

In a letter to Speaker Hastert, Democratic Leader Pelosi, Democratic Whip Hoyer, and Ranking Member Waxman ask for a congressional investigation into the role played by the Alexander Strategy Group, a lobbying firm closely linked to Tom DeLay and Jack Abramoff, in the passage of the Medicare Prescription Drug Act and the drafting of the budget reconciliation bill currently before the Congress.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Rep. Waxman Urges Committee to Request White House Documents on Abramoff

In a letter to Chairman Davis, Rep. Waxman asks that the Committee seek from the White House information about the nature of lobbyist Jack Abramoff's relationship with the White House.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

New Details from GAO Raise Further Concerns about Barrett Investigation Spending

Rep. Waxman asks Independent Counsel David M. Barrett for an explanation regarding why his office has been renting 11,500 square feet for only five full-time employees and other new details GAO recently provided on Mr. Barrett's expenditures. To date, his ten-and-a-half year investigation of former HUD Secretary Henry Cisneros has cost the taxpayer over $21 million.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Congress' Abdication of Oversight

In a pair of new reports, Rep. Henry A. Waxman examines the failure of the Republican-controlled Congress to investigate wrongdoing by the Bush Administration and the very different approach toward oversight taken by the Republican-controlled Congress during the Clinton Administration

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Senior Democrats Call for Hearings, Independent Panel on NSA’s Electronic Surveillance

In a letter to the Speaker, Democratic Leader Pelosi, Democratic Whip Hoyer, and Reps. Conyers, Waxman, and Harman ask that the House examine the scope of Presidential power in the area of electronic surveillance.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Democrats Express Concern About Cheney's Refusal to Disclose Travel Records

Rep. Waxman, Rep. Schakowsky, and other Democrats write to the Vice President to ask that he submit a complete accounting of his own and his staff's travel.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Rep. Waxman Asks Chairman to Explain Oversight Choices

In a letter to Chairman Davis, Rep. Waxman asks the Chairman to explain his rationale for rejecting requests to investigate the leak of classified information involving CIA agent Valerie Plame Wilson and contract abuses at the Department of Homeland Security, while directing the Committee to look into a leak of classified information related to the Philippines and contract abuses involving the District of Columbia.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Democrats Request Hearing on 'Highly Unusual' Events Surrounding DOJ Approval of Texas Redistricting

In a letter to Chairman Davis, Rep. Waxman and Rep. Clay ask that the Committee investigate whether political appointees at DOJ inappropriately overruled the findings of a panel in the Department's Voting Section that Texas's 2003 redistricting might have a discriminatory effect. Rep. Waxman and Rep. Clay asked that this investigation be included in an expansion of a hearing they requested last week on whether DOJ political appointees approved a discriminatory voter-identification law in Georgia.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Rep. Waxman Speaks Out Against Duncan Hunter Resolution

On the House floor, Rep. Waxman speaks against the Republican resolution and calls for answers to long-standing questions about the Administration's use of forged evidence as the cornerstone of the case for war in Iraq. These concerns were raised by Rep. Waxman before the war started in a letter to President Bush on March 17, 2003.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Democrats Request Hearing on DOJ Approval of Georgia Voter Identification Law

In a letter to Chairman Davis, Rep. Clay, Rep. Waxman, and nine other Committee Democrats request hearings on the process through which the Justice Department approved a Georgia voter law that will likely discriminate against black voters.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Pelosi and Waxman Request Documents Relating to Abramoff’s Request for $9 Million to Arrange Meeting with Bush

Leader Pelosi and Rep. Waxman write to Harriet Miers, Counsel to the President, requesting that she provide Congress with documents relating to lobbyist Jack Abramoff’s request for $9 million to arrange a meeting between President Bush and Omar Bongo, President of Gabon.

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