A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

Compendium of School-Based and School-Linked Programs for Pregnant and Parenting Adolescents, February 1999

Programs in Public Schools

Pregnant Minor and Infant/Toddler Programs

Agency: Pregnant Minor and Infant/Toddler Programs
Montebello Unified School District
123 S. Montebello Blvd.
Montebello, California 90640
(213) 887-7900, extension 2324
(213) 887-3195
Contact Person: Mary Lou Williams, Counselor
Annual Budget: $800,000
Primary Funding Source: California Department of Education


Provide continuous, comprehensive services to pregnant and parenting adolescents to help them become good citizens and obtain their high school diploma while learning positive parenting and employability skills.


The school-based program has been in existence since 1971 and serves Hispanic (90 percent), white (4 percent), Asian (3.5 percent), African-American (2 percent), and American Indian (.5 percent) students, ages 13 to 19. Approximately 150 pregnant teens, 75 teen mothers, and 20 teen fathers receive services each year. The program also provides child care for 48 children.

Description of Service Model:

The program serves pregnant and parenting adolescents, their infants and toddlers, and their extended families. Infant and toddler care, parenting classes for adolescent mothers and fathers, career counseling, vocational education, academic educational programs, and tutoring are available. The program also features peer support groups, grandparents’ programs, mentoring, and individual and group counseling.

Evaluation Methods:

Evaluation data include class records and graduating class statistics. A longitudinal study on the reduction of repeat teen pregnancies is currently being conducted by the UCLA School of Nursing.


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