Water-level conditions in southern Florida

All data presented on this site are considered to be PROVISIONAL DATA and subject to revision pending further review.

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C - 462, USGS ID: 262724081260701 [NWIS]

Site information from 2007 Data Report:

USGS STATION NUMBER.-- USGS 262724081260701

LOCATION.-- Lat 26°27'26", long 81°26'12" referenced to North American Datum of 1927, in SE 1/4 NW 1/4 sec.20, T.46 S., R.29 E., Collier County, FL, Hydrologic Unit 03090204, in pasture 0.1 mi west of State Road 29, 1.7 mi north of County Road 850 and 2.5 mi northwest of Immokalee.

AQUIFER.-- Lower Tamiami aquifer of the Pliocene Age, Geologic Unit 121 TMIM.

WELL CHARACTERISTICS.-- Depth 110 ft. Upper casing diameter 8 in.; top of first opening 50 ft, bottom of last opening 110 ft. Artesian well, slotted casing 50 to 110 ft.

DATUM.-- Top of recorder base, 37.11 ft above National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929, Nov. 1968 to present

PERIOD OF RECORD.-- November 1968 to September 1996 (daily), October 1996 to May 2003 (monthly), May 2003 to current year.

REMARKS.-- Records of water levels prior to October 1973 are available in files of the U.S. Geological Survey.

EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.-- Highest daily maximum water level, 35.27 ft NGVD, Oct. 24, 2005; lowest water level measured, 21.02 ft NGVD, June 20, 2000.

Online map showing USGS_262724081260701 (through Google Maps - not a USGS site) at (26.4575768,-81.4364624).

Daily values tables - HTML tables

Daily values tables - raw retrieval

Most recent monitoring data received at  C  - 462: 

    (Recorded within last 60 days of site monitoring  or during site visit within past 180 days.)

Data type                                            Value      Date       Time 

Computed elevation, in ft (NGVD)                     27.24              21-JAN-2013 13:00:00

Online data inventory for C  - 462:

Data type                                            Start         End          Number of records

Computed elevation, in ft (NGVD)                     28-MAY-2003    27-AUG-2012        78785

Daily value elevation, in ft (NGVD)                  01-OCT-1973    26-AUG-2012        11654

Measured water-level elevation                       21-OCT-1975    16-JUL-2012          187

Water-level data collected in the past 30 years at C - 462 (Save as text file)

Navigation links:


Station data page

Current 90-day hydrograph at C - 462 (262724081260701)

Graph: Continuously recorded water levels for the past 90 days are compared to the daily (maximum) water levels from last year, and to the minimum and maximum daily levels for the corresponding weeks of the year for the site period of record prior to the current water year.. Data used to produce this graph is available via the [data used] link on the page. [D]

Continuously recorded water levels for the past 90 days are compared to the daily (maximum) water levels from last year, and to the minimum and maximum daily levels for the corresponding weeks of the year for the site period of record prior to the current water year.

Data used to produce the current 90-day hydrograph at C - 462 (262724081260701)

Description of information presented in the current 90-day hydrograph at C - 462 (262724081260701)

Current year-to-date hydrograph at C - 462 (262724081260701)

Graph: Daily maximum water levels for the current calendar year are compared to the water levels from last year, and to the minimum and maximum daily levels for the corresponding weeks of the year for the site period of record prior to the current water year.. Data used to produce this graph is available via the [data used] link on the page. [D]

Daily maximum water levels for the current calendar year are compared to the water levels from last year, and to the minimum and maximum daily levels for the corresponding weeks of the year for the site period of record prior to the current water year.

Data used to produce the current year-to-date hydrograph at C - 462 (262724081260701)

Description of information presented in the current year-to-date hydrograph at C - 462 (262724081260701)

One-year hydrograph at C - 462 (262724081260701)

Graph: Long-term water-level elevation trends are estimated by statistical analysis, then water-level elevations for the past year are compared to the duration information, compensated for long-term trends, for the corresponding weeks of the year.. Data used to produce this graph is available via the [data used] link on the page. [D]

Long-term water-level elevation trends are estimated by statistical analysis, then water-level elevations for the past year are compared to the duration information, compensated for long-term trends, for the corresponding weeks of the year.

Data used to produce the one-year hydrograph at C - 462 (262724081260701)

Description of information presented in the one-year hydrograph at C - 462 (262724081260701)

Long-term trend information

The change in daily water-level elevations correlates with time to a 95-percent degree of confidence for the past 35 years. A second-order regression has been performed against the daily water-level elevations for the past 35 years to quantify a long-term trend in the data. The estimated first-order long-term trend in water level, using the Seasonal Kendall Slope Estimator, is -0.0030 ft/year, measured over the last 10 years (12-JAN-2012). (Description of statistical methods)

Period of record hydrograph - past 35 years at C - 462 (USGS 262724081260701)

Graph: Water-level elevations from the past 35 years . Data used to produce this graph is available via the [data used] link on the page. [D]

Water-level elevations from the past 35 years.

Data used to produce the period of record hydrograph - past 35 years at C - 462 (USGS 262724081260701)

Description of information presented in the period of record hydrograph - past 35 years at C - 462 (USGS 262724081260701)

Long-term trend information

The change in daily water-level elevations correlates with time to a 95-percent degree of confidence for the past 35 years. A second-order regression has been performed against the daily water-level elevations for the past 35 years to quantify a long-term trend in the data. The estimated first-order long-term trend in water level, using the Seasonal Kendall Slope Estimator, is -0.0030 ft/year, measured over the last 10 years (12-JAN-2012). (Description of statistical methods)

Funding for the USGS to design and maintain this site has been provided through a cooperative agreement with the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD). Water-level conditions are monitored by the USGS with support from Federal, State, and local cooperators.

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URL: http://www.sflorida.er.usgs.gov/edl-cgi/run.pl?
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