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Post Field Activity Information for 96012

Alternate number:W21-96
photo of WHITE HEATH
Owner-Operator:USCG-Boston, MA
Captain:Vernon E. Shay, Jr. - USCG
Center Principal:Michael Bothner, William Strahle
Affiliate Principal
(if any):
Area of Operations:Massachusetts Bay, Massachusetts, United States, North America, North Atlantic
Bounding Coordinates
Start and End Dates:June 11, 1996 to June 11, 1996
Start and End Ports:from Boston, MA to Boston, MA
Days at Sea:2
Project Number:
Project Title:
Cruise Funding Sourcy:USGS-MWRA-USCG
Type of Activity:Sampling
Mooring work
Objectives:21st USGS-MWRA-USCG long-term currents, sediment transport, physical/chemical sediment characteristics monitoring: recover moorings #465 and 466; deploy moorings #468, 469 and 470.
Information to be derived:Time series data
Samples and Chemical Analysis
Suspended Sediment Concentrations
Data Types (and Media) Produced:Tripod/current meter data, 8 cores, 2 grabs, video 8mm tapes
Scientific Party
Michael Casso, Peter Gill, Marinna Martini, Joseph Newell, Richard Rendigs, William Strahle, Brenton Taylor, Emily Banks
Scientific Party
Peter Clay, Doug Dooner - Mooring Systems; Robert Catalano - Benthos
Data Curator:
Scientific Equipment:hydraulically damped corer, van Veen grab sampler, Osprey video, time-series sed trap, McLean suspended- matter sampler, 8 tube & 1 Anderson traps, refrigerator
Navigation techniques used:DGPS
Summary of Results:Moorings recovered: 2 (#465 and 466 deployed FA 96007 WHITE HEATH Feb. 14-15, 1996). Moorings deployed: 3 (#468, 469 and 470 recovered FA 96023 WHITE HEATH Oct. 1, 1996). Sampling and coring rescheduled to July 9, 1996, with Ken Keay - MWRA (see FA 96049).
Number of Stations Occupied:5
Station Description:
Number of Submersible Dives:
Continuous Data (in Km):
Seismic Line Descriptions:
Track Plot:
Related Web Sites:
Remarks:Sampling and coring rescheduled to July 9, 1996, with Ken Keay - MWRA.
Contact: Michael Bothner/Marinna Martini (

Report Daty: 19:04 1/11/2006

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