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Post-Construction Stormwater Management in New Development and Redevelopment

Infiltration islands in parking lots can help reduce stormwater runoff.

For the past two decades the rate of land development across the country has been more than two times greater than the rate of population growth. If unchecked, the increased impervious surface associated with this development will increase stormwater volume and degrade water quality, which can harm lakes, rivers, streams, and coastal areas.

The best way to mitigate stormwater impacts from new developments is to use practices to treat, store, and infiltrate runoff onsite before it can affect water bodies downstream. Innovative site designs that reduce imperviousness and smaller-scale low impact development practices dispersed throughout a site are excellent ways to achieve the goals of reducing flows and improving water quality.

Phase II MS4s are required to address post-construction stormwater runoff from new development and redevelopments that disturb one or more acres. This primarily includes developing:

  • Strategies to implement a combination of structural and non-structural BMPs,
  • An ordinance to address post-construction runoff, and
  • A program to ensure adequate long-term operation and maintenance of BMPs.

Additional information on this minimum measure, including the stormwater Phase II regulatory requirements for post-construction and a fact sheet on the post-construction minimum measure [PDF - 214 KB - 4 pp], is also available.

Key BMPs and Resources:
MS4s addressing the post-construction minimum measure should focus on the following four key BMPs to help them in developing a post-construction program. Information on low impact development and smart growth are key resources for MS4s. The additional BMPs in the next section describe practices that developers could use to comply with an MS4's post-construction program.

BMP Fact Sheets:

The fact sheets in this section describe BMPs and how to use them to help municipal stormwater programs and construction site operators comply with the stormwater Phase II requirements.

EPA has started updating these fact sheets to include new practices and technologies. Several of these updated fact sheets are now available in PDF format.

   Municipal Program Elements
     BMP Inspection and Maintenance
     Ordinances for Post-construction Runoff
     Post-construction Plan Review
   Innovative BMPs for Site Plans
     Alternative Turnarounds
     Conservation Easements
     Development Districts
     Eliminating Curbs and Gutters
     Green Parking
     Green Roofs
     Infrastructure Planning
     Low Impact Development (LID) and Other Green Design Strategies
     Narrower Residential Streets
     Open Space Design
     Protection of Natural Features
     Riparian/Forested Buffer
     Street Design and Patterns
     Urban Forestry
     Grassed Swales
     Infiltration Basin
     Infiltration Trench
     Permeable Interlocking Concrete Pavement
     Pervious Concrete Pavement
     Porous Asphalt Pavement
     Bioretention (Rain Gardens)
     Catch Basin Inserts
     Sand and Organic Filters
     Vegetated Filter Strip
     Dry Detention Ponds
     In-Line Storage
     On-Lot Treatment
     Stormwater Wetland
     Wet Ponds
     Alum Injection
     Manufactured Products for Stormwater Inlets
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Last updated on November 11, 2010