Enclosure 3 Procedures for Entering Crashes without Carrier Identification into SAFETYNET NOTE: Both of these methods will prevent the record from being included in the calculation of a State's non-match rate. Carrier Not Identifiable If there is no positive carrier identification available: · Select either Intrastate or INTERSTATE as appropriate, · Check the "Carrier ID Unavailable" box next to MC/MX Number, · Populate the Carrier Name, Street Address, and City Name fields with "Unknown" and · Type "UK" in the State field and "99999" in the Zip Code field. Non-Motor Carrier For a vehicle which does not meet the definition of a commercial vehicle (1): · Select "Non-Motor Carrier" at the top of the Carrier Identification window. This will disable and clear values from the fields USDOT Number, State Census Number and Issuing State, MC/MX Number, and Carrier ID Unavailable. Additionally, the Search and Copy Search Data buttons are disabled and the field label "Carrier Name" changes to "Responsible Party." · Enter the name of the entity responsible for the safe movement of the vehicle. This could be the name of a State or local government agency or school system. If the responsible party is a private individual, enter "Individual." · Enter the street address, city name, State and zip code of the entity indicated above. If the responsible party is a private individual, enter "Unknown" in the Street Address and City Name fields, "UK" in the State field and "99999" in the Zip Code field. (1) FMCSA's definition of a commercial motor vehicle can be found in 49 CFR §390.5. Included are: · Motor vehicles providing transportation of goods or property for others for compensation (for-hire). · Privately-owned motor vehicles providing transportation of privately-owned goods or property in furtherance of a business enterprise. · Motor vehicles providing passenger transportation for compensation (for-hire). · Privately-owned motor vehicles providing passenger transportation in furtherance of a business enterprise.