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Coastal-Hazards Research Featured in First Podcast by USGS

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Excerpt from U.S. Geological Survey CoreCast Web page
Above: Excerpt from USGS CoreCast Web page as of August 30, 2007. Check the page periodically for new podcasts. [larger version]

Each year, hurricanes and tropical storms cause billions of dollars worth of damage in the Southeastern United States. These destructive coastal storms typically peak in August and September, making August an ideal time for the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) to release its first podcast, titled "Hurricanes and Extreme Storms—Coastal Hazards, Assessments, and Changes."

This episode is the first public USGS podcast—called a CoreCast—to be posted at URL "Hurricanes and Extreme Storms" features an interview with USGS oceanographer Abby Sallenger of the USGS Florida Integrated Science Center (FISC) office in St. Petersburg, Florida. Host Steven Sobieszczyk, a geographer with the USGS Oregon Water Science Center in Portland, Oregon, begins the CoreCast with a brief explanation of hurricanes and then interviews Sallenger on hurricane impacts and how the USGS contributes to hurricane research and response. Sallenger describes how the USGS monitors and measures the impacts of hurricanes, and outlines some of the ways in which the USGS assisted emergency response in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina—the most destructive storm in U.S. history. He discusses the degree to which natural features, such as barrier islands and wetlands, can help protect the mainland from hurricane storm surge and waves, noting some unexpected results from recent research.

Learn more from the CoreCast itself at URL, where two more CoreCasts, "Climate Change" and "Endocrine Disruption: Sex-Changing Fish and More," have also been posted; check back or subscribe to receive additional podcasts.

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Updated September 10, 2007 @ 05:21 PM (JSS)