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Earth Day Celebration at McMullen-Booth Elementary School, Florida

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Barbara Babler, McMullen Booth's physical-education instructor, stands in front of the smoking USGS volcano model
Above: Barbara Babler, McMullen Booth's physical-education (PE) instructor, stands in front of the smoking USGS volcano model, named "Mount Babler" by her grateful PE students (who were excused from their regularly scheduled PE class to visit the Earth Day exhibits).

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Center for Coastal and Watershed Studies participated in the annual Earth Day celebration at McMullen Booth Elementary School in Clearwater, FL, on April 22. Students particularly enjoyed a volcano model created by award-winning USGS employee Dave Wegener (see "Heroes Among Us" in this issue's Awards section). USGS volunteer Kathy Krohn showed off the volcano and staged several mock eruptions while handing out literature about USGS activities around the Tampa Bay area. This year's new and improved volcano model featured a subwoofer for sound effects and a remote control to start the eruption. Reports from the field are that the younger children stared wide eyed at the eruption, whereas the older children wanted to know how the model worked. Both age groups enjoyed the exhibit.

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Related Web Sites
Center for Coastal and Watershed Studies
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Center for Coastal and Watershed Studies Annual Open House
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Updated March 08, 2007 @ 10:50 AM (JSS)